• 12 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2022


  • And lastly, I’ll say this, it’s completely disingenuous to remain “friends” with someone after you’ve been friendzoned if you initially had romantic feelings for them and those romantic feelings still persist. Unless your feelings magically also changed to platonic ones, then there’s a relational imbalance that will always linger. It’s better to just say “hey I like you in a more romantic way and even though you want to be friends, perhaps it’s better that we don’t hang out.”

    Interesting, can you expand on this and why you shouldn’t be friends with someone you’re attracted to? Like, do you think ‘platonic’ and ‘romantic’ are binary conditions?

    I’m not aaying you’re wrong but I’m interested in why you think it’s strictly disingenuous. I completely agree with the rest of what you said btw

  • Yeah, agreed about the misogyny.

    Also, as I think about it, what if it partially stems from people politely rejecting others, after a date, by telling them they just want to be friends when they don’t actually mean it?

    I’ve had that shit happen to before and it kind of blows. Went on a date with a cool, attractive girl in a new city where I didn’t know anyone, and she let me know afterwards that she thinks I’m cool but just wants to be friends. I was like ‘fuck yeah, I don’t give a shit’ but we never spoke after that :( Don’t say it if you don’t mean it, but then again maybe I should have put in more effort into staying in contact with her.