And even it’s nakedly racist (“A contract, is a contract, is a contract-- but only between Ferengi”) and misogynistic (“Females and finances don’t mix.”)
What does that say about capitalism?
And even it’s nakedly racist (“A contract, is a contract, is a contract-- but only between Ferengi”) and misogynistic (“Females and finances don’t mix.”)
What does that say about capitalism?
You know, as a big FF8 booster, this makes me reconsider some stuff.
1 and 3 are both great, and I’ll go against the grain and say that 4 is pretty mediocre.
This would be more appropriate for the reaction thread on /c/StarTrek.
Wouldn’t prime!Chekov be like 12 around this time frame?
None of these “very special message” episodes either
I mean, barring the single best episode of the show.
He may prefer to-- he is himself legally blind, and completely blind in one eye.
It does though. As the others said, Scotty did have to jury-rig some modifications for long-term storage and even then he wasn’t able to save the other survivor long-term.
Star Trek had a long history of taking cues from capital-T Theater, so a musical was kind of a logical extension of that.
The idea of being able to essentially species change a Klingon into a Human with TOS-era Klingon medical tech sounds impossibly advanced for what the Klingons are known for.
It’s also something that literally happened in a TOS episode that almost everyone saw and liked.
I dug 'em. It was a good experiment in pushing Trek’s aliens beyond a forehead and an accent.
Or, keeping up SNW’s traditions of reviving projects from early in Star Trek’s history, we could finally get M’benga leading a medical frigate in the vein of the Hopeship pitch.
Is there anyone still holding out for a “refit” of the beautiful SNW Enterprise so that it “really” looks like a set from the late 1960s?
Sadly, I can confirm there are.
I concur with your conclusions. In the famous words of Captain Picard, it is possible to make no mistakes and still fail. Tilly did the best she could against a superior opponent, and when the opportunity to turn that defeat around arose, she scraped out a win with casualties minimized, and I think proved herself more prepared for command than the show or fandom generally gave her credit for.
Assuming the Eugenics War is still followed by WW3, that only leaves a max of 49 years
What’s so unusual about that? Consider how close World War 1 and World War 2 were to each other. Consider how infrequent global peace is generally.
Isn’t Galt the colony the Rozhenkos lived on while they were bringing up Worf?
There’s a lot-- a lot-- of trans subtext in it too.
Looks new to me. If I had to guess it’s whoever picked up Badgey making their move.