• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • You should look at benchmarks in 2 weeks between the 770 and 4060 after it is released. Your 3600 is going to hurt performance if you buy really high end. In today’s money, the price of the 4060 matches the original price of the 1060 6GB.

    Beyond a new GPU, I would suggest building a whole new computer. If I can partially guess, I would say the 4 core i3 121000 would beat your 3600. I do know that the 12100 matches the 6 core i7 8700K.

    One option is buy the best GPU you have extra money to spend on, and then in a year buy build a Ryzen 8000 system when those get released and then put your new GPU in your next system.

    To give you an idea about performance, the 4060 Ti beats the 1080 Ti.

  • Why you said makes me think the number of votes is wholly irrelevent.

    What is interesting or helpful is entirely subjective, it’s personal opinion. What is considered misinformation is entirely subjective. That makes me believe the voting count on a post means nothing for indicating the quality.

    Considering how any majority of people typically react emotionally rather than have humility and respond with consistant logic, it seems personal opinion on a mass scale is an unreliable gage for quality of material.

  • Lengsel@lemmy.caOPtoBritish Columbia@lemmy.caNews postings
    1 year ago

    You admit that every and all TV news show is bought and paid for to push government agenda and talking points. Well except for independant ones that are entirely donation funded like True North news which allows True North to be more transparent and more honest to to expose and criticize anyone’s agenda, and TNC continues to get more donations, hire more people.

    Although Rebel News does inflammatory and sensational presentations, there’s a couple of reporters I believe will be an instant success once they leave Rebel News sensationalism.

  • Lengsel@lemmy.caOPtoBritish Columbia@lemmy.caNews postings
    1 year ago

    My post about banning is in relation to the broader internet. It seems comment sections and social sites has been taken over by cowards who can’t socialize in the real world with strangers, face to face, so people resort to living through the internet where they can suspend and ban people to control who can talk to them and never have to explain their positions or be challenged in what they think.

  • Lengsel@lemmy.caOPtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.caDisagreements
    1 year ago

    Under no circumstances will I remove any person for expressing antisemetic views and opinions, correct, I won’t censor them. Antisementic beliefs can speak freely without repercussions. It’s up to each individual how they choose to handle it, but I refuse to remove antisemetic statements from my forum on Judaism. Words can ever cause injuries.

  • Lengsel@lemmy.caOPtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.caDisagreements
    1 year ago

    There is no such thing as suffering damage from a belief. Only physical action causes damage.

    Only the weak minded get outraged over a statement or belief. Nobody can offend you unless you give them the permission and power to offend you. If want protection from reading or hearing things you don’t like, it shows how under developed you are.

    As soon as you go outside, a person can insult you and there’s nothing you can do about it. If you physically attack someone for simply insulting you or mocking you, you are the criminal and it proves you have no self control, you are a delusional narcissist.

  • Yes, some people move the goalposts when their statements get defeated, I am talking about, or asking, why do people need protection and silencing from some who makes a statement those goes against what they believe in?

    There’s no reason to react so strongly. Simply don’t engage, ignore it, and continue on with life.

    Beliefs and opinions have never hurt anyone, only action hurts someone. A person can only offend you if you allowthem and give them the power to offend. If you think someone’s statement is repulsive and forget about what you read, they can’t do anything to bother you.

    In a true debate, I expect humility and dignity, and anything less than that is only them trying to win, it’s not a conservational debate to challege each other so iron can sharpen iron.

  • Lengsel@lemmy.caOPtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.caDisagreements
    1 year ago

    That means you do want censorship and silencing of others at a certain point, even though what a person believes cause no harm to others, it’s only when they act on it than it can be damaging.

    It’s better for people to speak freely without consequences so you know what a person truly believes so you know who to avoid. With censorship or silencing, you will never know who someone truly because they won’t discuss, and that person could turn against you when they have an opportunity to hurt you because they had to stay silent about what they truly throught all along but you never knew because they were avoiding any consequences for what they believe in.

  • Lengsel@lemmy.caOPtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.caDisagreements
    1 year ago

    I strongly agree and support everything you said.

    For example, I’m religious, and strict at that, but when I talk to an athiest, their atheism has no affect on my religious devotion. I can still talk to them about music groups, shows, current events, games, internet things, and leave God out of the conversation so we can connect as 2 people, show care for each other, and avoid mentioning subjects that we are on opposite ends.

  • Lengsel@lemmy.caOPtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.caDisagreements
    1 year ago

    I can agree that sometimes a person only want to dump on people to make themself feel better. I am still not willing to censor someone like that. I refuse to listen to them, but I’m not going to censor them.

    Each person can decide for themself if they want to engage with someone or ignore them