Deezer is a very ethically poor company, unfortunately, due to their owner, Access Industries.
Deezer is a very ethically poor company, unfortunately, due to their owner, Access Industries.
I mean, Spotify is a publicly traded Swedish company… but it is worth noting that Qobuz is French and that the original creators still seem to retain both control and ownership
Hans Island in the Arctic for Denmark and Saint Pierre and Miquelon, which is a small island off the eats coast of Canada, which remains a part of France.
I love me some Turkish Peber too! Although it’s owned by Fazer now, which is Finnish - but it was originally Danish. Whether they still have some production in Denmark though, I don’t know
Name a more iconic duo than snack manufacturers and ethical issues…
You can buy them here!
I was happy to learn that the snacks I always liked the most - Knoppers, Ritter Sport, Corny bars, Milch-Schnitte (Ferrero owned) - were European (specifically German minus one), as are many müsli bars! Guess you can tell Germans like hiking, huh?
And for Sweden I also like me some Kex.
In that case I’d argue you can look at it from a different perspective: nothing bad is forever. Even brands - and people - directly complicit in genocide can change for the better, and before that; seemingly regular people can be driven to commit mad atrocities. This is a very important lesson today especially, as we are repeating history
Here in Sweden most people use Swish
So, if the Volkswagen Group car brands all dissolved and the people in charge created a new company that’d be just fine? Why would we boycott a company for what happened 80 years ago? We can just build a wall around Germany then.
What exactly is problematic? The past has happened and it cannot be changed; how you deal with it is the only question, and the Germans in particular have dealt with it admirably. It only matters what they do with they’re given. Nothing is static, especially not a company which is just a reflection of their owners and employees.
Would it make you or anyone happier if we drove in Skodas rather than Volkswagens?
Unless it’s the same people in charge of the company as it was in 1941 then it doesn’t matter. Everyone knows that many German companies have a terrible past, but they’ve long since taken a clear stance against it. There is literally no correlation between these German car brands and Tesla. It matters what they do today (and possibly the recent past).
If you want to boycott things over the distant past you literally couldn’t use anything.
Tesla deserves this because of Elon’s current actions. If he steps or gets removed and Tesla continues to operate with a different philosophy there should be no issue with them in, say, 15 years.
How is it in any way relevant what German car makers were doing 80+ years ago? Unless you also think all modern-day Germans should be “cancelled”.
Apart from that I agree, the American car lobby has been terrible for public transport development and green energy
Oh that’s nice; far up north. Hope you’ll enjoy it up there! All the best and awesome you’re choosing to come here!
Where you going to? I’m a data engineer living in Malmö. I can help you get settled if you’re in Skåne
Don’t worry you won’t make 160k in Sweden :(
I mean, if it’s in Saudi Arabia you know the royal family is in full control, so in this it kind of makes sense
No worries, happens to the best of us! I was also genuinely wondering if I missed another fork by that name
Is there actually a librefox too? I only know of Librewolf which I started using
I saw some guys getting banned because they were happy the far-right anti-democratic politicians in Romania got served by the legal system. Can’t trust any platforms owned by these murican tech bros
Absolutely! Homegrown veggies and living in a wooden hut is the answer!
No, but avoiding the worst of the worst like Mondelez and Nestlé is reasonable… Storck aren’t that bad