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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Because it’s inescapable. Web development is by far the most common type of programming work and even if you’re a backend developer you tend to have to touch javascript at some point, so everyone knows the pain of javascript’s foot guns and javascript has a lot.

    The fact that it’s mandatory to do your work invokes bitterness in people. For backend, you can kind of switch around until you find a language you like. For frontend, it’s javascript or nothing at all.

    Javascript as a language is very out of sync with other commonly used languages. Its footguns are very easy to run into. As a result you have a lot of rituals around just not shooting yourself in the foot. The rituals, libraries, and frameworks around avoiding Javascript’s foot guns have been very shifting and changing. Of course, because the javascript ecosystem changes far faster than other languages, there are a lot of rakes for developers to step on to add to the naturally existing foot guns.

    Javascript as a language probably shouldn’t be the sole language of the internet for a variety of reasons. It’s a very hateable language because of how easy it is for newbies to make new terrible code and how common it is. Until something like WASM takes off, the downpour of hate for javascript will continue.

  • I think because of very valid fears about it being a cover for genocide. In the US we have very much done genocide like things like systematically taking women’s reproductive organs. That one wasn’t even that long ago when that one happened.

    Looking at Canada, I’m not sure that assisted suicide won’t always be used for genocide. You already have stories of people seeking it for no other reason than being disabled and poor in Canada is so hard they don’t want to try anymore.

    I dont think that the slow miserable death that is how dying is nowadays is great, but I do think that there’s a valid reason people don’t like the idea of the government sanctioning suicide when the government is perfectly capable of driving people to it. You make suicide boring and a lot of atrocities will be overlooked. Something being legal and on the surface perfectly okay can allow a bunch of terrible things to happen.

  • What is funny about the US is that if you can’t turn the cog of capitalism, healthcare is free. Being very poor is really baller for treating your horrific medical conditions. So is being old.

    I’m an able bodied worker who has to worry about medication to keep at bay my murderous condition only because I can work. If I just quit my job and was willing to live in public housing and all my bullshit, all the stress of treatment would actually go away.

    I have no idea why Americans are against expanding Medicare when poor people already get it. Why would they want to deny themselves what they’re paying for anyway by virtue of not being able to have it.

  • I have a 4 year old and I post a lot of pictures of my kid, but like privately. I use an app called tinybeans. You have to be explicitly invited. Grandma gets emails because she can’t use apps. everyone is happy. My kid’s pictures are hidden away from facebook and family members have to take much more active action to share her photos beyond themselves. And they know that means excommunication from the picture firehose, so they don’t. That’s how I’ve managed this. I mean… there’s still a bunch of embarrassing stuff in there, but at least the only people who can see it are the people who were traditionally privy to embarrassing kid shit anyway.

  • I feel like this is only true of internal or enterprise software where switching is expensive. For business to consumer, the impact of bugs can cause a company to go under or at least become a zombie. For any type of company, the thread of a competitor is high and can cause your company to stagnant and slowly go under or bleed and rapidly go under.

    There is a real impact to a high amount of bugs, it just doesn’t happen in one quarter. It happens over years and results in higher stress foe the developers. A stagnating company doesn’t hire. It doesn’t give raises and slashes benefits. A lot of terrible things happen before a company goes under. We can watch Twitter speed running this.

  • I wasn’t talking about rewriting an existing system either. I’m talking about adding to a system. In order to do that effectively, you need to understand the system as it stands and consider how any requirement could clash or be impossible with the current set of requirements. This is why I bring up the AI needing to pull a set of requirements from the existing code. You cannot add requirements without knowing the requirements that already exist.

    I think that hallucination is still a massive issue. I don’t even like to call it hallucination because what it really is bad guesses. We should never forget that all any AI does is guess. It doesn’t reason about anything or connect information together. AI will hold contradictory positions because of this.

    Currently we have no way to make an AI declare that it just doesn’t know or even very often ask for more information in order to make a decision because the method of training an AI is literally guess and check.

    For that reason, I don’t think that AI will ever be the tool for the job when it comes to any kind of requirements gathering. I mean I guess you could, but I always run the risk of being like that lawyer who had made up cases in this result. AI made things up because all it does it make its best guess and it doesn’t care I’d that guess is grounded in much of anything at all.

  • I feel like AI would fall down even harder here. A lot of long running applications have “secret” rules in them that developers have as either tribal knowledge or they have to reas the code and see is the case. Will AI be sophisticated enough to read a massive repo probably dependent on several others and have a realistic understanding of the requirements inherent in that code system? Because that’s what we pay senior devs to be good at quickly figuring out. I find myself skeptical that AI will be able to do that in a trustworthy way with how it “hallucinates” now and doesn’t have the concept that it just doesn’t know sometimes. If a developer has to spend time checking the AI’s assertions about the rules, is that actually going to be faster than just keeping them in their mind or doing the research themselves?

  • I don’t think I’ve ever had a working definition of a business rule beyond what feels right intuitively. I’m going to carry this forth with me.

    Perhaps you’ve been reading this with mounting frustration: How about validating the address according to the SMTP spec?

    Indeed, that sounds like something one should do, but turns out to be rarely necessary. As already outlined, users can easily supply a bogus address like foo@bar.com. It’s valid according to the spec, and so what? How does that information help you?

    I feel like this is the difference between an academic and a professional. One is trying to do it provably right and the other is trying to satisfy a need with limited resources.

  • I think that for school, assignments will just evolve. We’ll go back to in classroom essays probably. We’ll also see the nature of assignments change. I remember when I was in high school and the internet was in its infancy. My history just gave us more specific topics to write on to force us to use books. My young cousin who came a decade behind me. Found himself with topics that necessitated using scholarly sources. Wikipedia wasn’t gonna cut it. I imagine in grade school it will be like that with assignments that need some kind of human invention while allowing for inescapable technology use.

    I went to a top engineering college, to say that cheating wad rampant and creative was an understatement. I thought how the professors got around that was fascinating in retrospect. Some assignments were intentionally unpassable. If you got a passing grade, you failed. Your curved grade was based on standard distribution of not only your class, but every other class that had every been.

    Projects and in person things were super common. Assignments were keyed to you as a person and no one in the class had the exact same assignment. For that reason collaboration in project based classes was expected and encouraged.

    The one thing AI will never have is discretion and yoi can’t get their output with a linked computer. I look forward to seeing how schools adapt their assessments around these facts.

  • I’m sorry, were you actually around during the era that “flamewar” was coined. Making people mad on the internet has been around forever. It’s just that now we’re stupid enough to associate our internet personas with our real life ones. If people could have showed up to your door in the 90s they would have. They certainly threatened to. Tracking down people on 4chan used to be a past time in the early 00s. Perhaps we weren’t on the same early internet.