
(He/him) Marxist-Leninist and amateur writer. I like cats, foxes, sci-fi, science fantasy, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Message me for my roleplay ideas! account:

Discord: LinuxFennekin#5514

Reddit: /u/HiddenLayer5

  • 18 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2022

  • I’m not a huge fan of the OCP personally (and it’s been repealed so I guess they’re not a huge fan either now) but I need to give a piece of context that I never see talked about in the West: Ethnic minorities in China are totally exempted from it from day one. This includes Uyghurs and Tibetans. It’s pretty much only for Han people which is the majority in China. Make of that how you want but if they created it as an ethnic cleansing tool like so many Westerns claim, they were really really bad at ethnic cleansing.

  • I’m wondering what the supposed environmental concerns were.

    Envsci major here: golf courses are the worst fucking thing in a city short of an oil well. Approximately 0% of the plants there are helpful or even remotely suited to the ecosystem (especially one like South China) and worth preserving, it’s hostile to wildlife and pollinators, is toxic due to the excessive pesticide use, exacerbates soil erosion, and is generally a massive resource sink. Put some gardens with native flowering plants around those apartments or on the balconies, some native trees as well, and it’ll be worlds better than a golf course. Not sure about this one but speaking generally, an urban neighborhood with high density housing can actually integrate into the ecosystem and be sustainable if managed right, far more than golf courses can at least.

  • Marxism-Fennekinism@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlThe scroll of truth
    10 months ago

    Correct. Decolonization requires the destruction of Western governments as we see them now. Note that this is entirely different from destruction of the people, it absolutely does not entail eye for an eye, kill all whites shit like anticommunists/antidecolonizers keep strawmanning about, that would not be decolonization but reverse colonization/revenge, but the current socioeconomic structures and status quo need to go and societal priorities and paradigms need to be massively shifted, AKA a cultural revolution.

  • That’s the norm unfortunately. Immigration is not about the person immigrating, it’s about if you’re useful to the country. It’s also the norm that typically the only real way to be let in on a work permit long term is if they specifically need people in your field (usually highly skilled white collar work and/or jobs that they have trouble filling locally). Speaking from experience as someone that immigrated as a young child from China to Canada with parents that got in through this exact route. There’s a reason developing countries are experiencing brain drains, where do you think they’re going? Too often do I wonder if our lives would be better if we stayed in China since we’re not exactly doing superb over here, but I’m already a Canadian citizen, went through all of high school and university here, barely know how to read and write Chinese and am pretty far removed from the culture back there, so that ship has sailed.

    Even though those same countries you mentioned literally frame their immigration programs as “look how much we’re doing for those poor people in third world (sic) countries! we’re such bastions of niceness and human rights!”

    Honestly the economic situation in Canada definitely does not help. It’s hard enough for a neurotypical person here to live a good life it seems. I know for a fact that the uncertainty of my future here has aggravated my anxiety disorder (diagnosed, medicated which does help at least to prevent panic attacks, but frankly I don’t even know how much is actually anxiety “disorder” and how much is actual reasonable fear for how I’ll survive). Probably interacts negatively with my possible autism too.

  • Marxism-Fennekinism@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlThe scroll of truth
    11 months ago

    Collectivization all wealth under dictatorship of the proletariat will give reparations to the marginalized by default, by virtue of evening out the wealth for everyone! Not saying specific attention to marginalized groups is not needed of course, but I consider that a critical element within collectivization.

  • You have the patience of a saint for continuing to debate them after the Reddit influx. I’ve completely stopped trying to debate the libs on Lemmy because it ruins my mood and mental health more than it has hope of convincing them or even starting a productive conversation where either one of us stand to learn from the other. I still make it a point to expose myself to all dissenting views because I feel that as a socialist I should at least be aware of all the viewpoints, but I don’t care enough to actually engage with them anymore.

  • Seriously tho what’s the difference between a Soviet gulag and a Western prison? Any society that still has crime requires correctional facilities, the USSR is no different. Why do libs insist on Soviet ones being called gulags? If you want to criticize their prison system just call it that. I know it’s a Russian word but we’re speaking English here which already has a word for prisons, and to me the Soviet system really does not seem different or unique enough to warrant its own word as a proper noun. (I-it’s not just to make the Soviet system seem more evil by distancing it from their own Western prison systems right? I-it’s not that right?)

  • Chinese also has probably the most number of idioms and double meanings out of any language, most of which date back hundreds to thousands of years and are formatted for the time, basically the equivalent of if little snippets of Shakespearean were still in common use mixed in with modern English.

    Remember that Western claim that Xi Jinping had banned idioms as a way to control Chinese people, a la Newspeak? Anyone who knows Chinese should know just how ridiculous that claim is, you’d have to ban Chinese language in its entirety to do that.