As fun as that would be, I don’t think it would be productive. It is to everyone’s benefit that Canada and the US remains friends, but we need to start imagining a world where that isn’t possible anymore.
As fun as that would be, I don’t think it would be productive. It is to everyone’s benefit that Canada and the US remains friends, but we need to start imagining a world where that isn’t possible anymore.
They don’t ship to the US, bummer. I’ll have to pick some up once I am back to living in Canada.
Same! I’ve got 3,250 hours on it. Tynan really keeps it on the down low that he is based in Canada!
It’s strange, somehow nearly all of my favourite games are Canadian made. Despite being disconnected from Canada by living in the US for over a decade, so many of my favourite musicians, games, movies and even youtubers are Canadian. Stuff Canadians make just appeals to me more often than not, and it makes me feel fuzzy and like I’m still Canadian despite being gone for so long. So excited to move back this year.
What you’ve said is true, but I still insist that Canada is not an imperial or opportunist country that is looking to gobble up states, even if handed on a silver platter. It’s just not really what we do. You are severely overlooking the fact that it would require a supermajority of support in both the seceding state and Canada as a whole to admit a new province/territory into the confederation. That is simply unlikely.
If the US collapses USSR-style, it would likely just simply balkanize instead of being picked over by its neighbours. It would balkanize either by region, or completely by states. What is probably more likely is probably another civil war, with one side completely winning or a stalemate being met and two or more separate USAs existing. But honestly, there is literally no way to know what will happen to the US going forward.
Gun to my head, had to choose, I’d say that America just continues to be a flawed democracy and returns to its isolationism that it historically always does inbetween major wars, probably suffer a major recession, and then has a civil war.
If the Cons were smart, they’re have kept him on a leash as an attack dog while making someone much more respectable be the party leader. Let PP do his vicious mockery act and outrage farming to soak up all the bad press, and let a normal-looking con take the seat.
Right now, PP is like a little yapping dog that got ahold of its own leash and doesn’t know what to do with it.
Most Canadians would love the idea of states joining us
Nope. Not true.
They wouldn’t even refuse solidly red states, I think
I would. They would view us as an occupying power, and would be right to think so. Think of Quebec, but instead of being French they’re just racist. I don’t want that in my Canada.
It would make Canada stronger, and a better life for the states
It would be a clusterfuck. Not Canada’s problem to make life better for Americans. Ever heard the saying, people get the government they deserve? Majority of them are assholes or unable to help themselves. If they want to enjoy a better life the Canadian way, they can work on immigrating here. Canada is not an expansionist country. Plenty Happy as is, geopolitically speaking.
Economic power together is enhanced
We’ve been doing this already, as two separate sovereign nations. Assholes turned it against us. You know, you read the news.
Canada even as 10 states instead of 1, doesn’t work because US debt is too high, and US simply has too harsh of a society meant for oligarchy.
Not sure what you’re going on about with the US debt. But that alone is a reason for us to not join together. Who the hell would want to inherent that problem? Canadians would be taxed like crazy to help pay that off. If by too harsh of a society, you mean ruthless individualism at the expense of the overall social fabric, which has a nasty effect of creating oligarchs? Correct.
Healthcare would be a major issue.
It would be, but in this scenario is would ironically be the least problematic thing.
These opinions are presented to you by a dual citizen Canadian currently living in the Southeast of America. No normal people here want to invade Canada, and no Canadian wants to be a “savior” of poor abused American states. I’m down to let more people immigrate and become PR or citizens, but not a blanket annexation of entire states. If Americans have a issue with their current federal government, they can take some bricks and throw them through select politicians windows while doing mass strikes like the rest of the civilized world does to keep their democracy clean. The French revolution wasn’t bloodless, nor was the American Revolutionary War. Tyrants don’t go away on their own.
You know nothing about Canadians nor what the average American thinks and it shows.
I had no idea this was Canadian! Seems like Canadian game devs are really making top notch games.
Rimworld is created by Tynan Sylvester, who lives in Ottawa. Fantastic colony sim game that still gets consistent and major updates alongside the DLC releases.
Torn Banner Studios, creators of Chivalry and Chivalry 2, the Medieval multiplayer combat games are also Based in Toronto. They recently declared Chiv 2 to be a completed game, ceasing anynew content updates but still supporting the servers and community. They seem to be cooking up something new, but no info yet.
Hinterland Studios, creators of The Long Dark, a survival game, are based in Vancouver. The game is slower paced with realistic survival mechanics in rural north BC I believe. It’s not abandoned, but updates very slowly. Cool devs though.
All of these games have active dev and fan communities. Rimworld has a SUPER talented & stable modding community.
I love me some Letterkenny. While it is a comedy, it really does an excellent job at highlighting what being Canadian means. I really need to watch the spin off, Shoresy.
If you’re interested in more media that helps you understand what being Canadian is all about, I’d recommend listening to some of the most iconic Canadians musicians of all time: Leonard Cohen, Neil Young, Gordon Lightfoot, The Tragically Hip, Bachman-Turner Overdrive, and The Band. You’ve almost certainly heard their songs before, but listen to some of their less popular music.
Here’s some specific songs that I am fond of, and feel highlight Common Canadian Sensibilities:
These showcase a variety of genres and locations within Canada. We are a big country with such a beautiful mixture of experiences that allow for such wonderful music to be produced.
I can’t tell whats more annoying: if they did it out of malice or indifference.
Either way, the cultural homogenizing effects of mass social media is a mistake and must be fought against. Countries that primarily speak English are at the greatest threat of this. If I had a magic genie I’d wish that Canadian’s native language was anything other than English so people’s minds wouldn’t be so easily poisoned by all the dumb bullshit media the US produces. There are genuinely people in Canada who believe they have Second Amendment rights.
I’ve been saying this lately, but Canada as a whole needs to emulate what Quebec is doing to protect its cultural identity. Limit American media coming into the country. Defend and cultivate our unique cultural identity at all costs.
Anyone that says Canada is not distinguished culturally from America is ignorant. I am a dual citizen who has lived in and loved both countries. Just because we are neighbours, mostly white, and speak the same language, does not make us identical. We have a different social fabric. The biggest difference is that America is a extremely individualistic society, and Canadians are a collective society. I’d call us socialist, but that word immediately turns off the listening ears of Americans as they have been programmed since McCarthy to reject socialism in all forms – even though America has dozens of socialist programs such as social security and food stamps. To explain socialist concepts to Americans you have to use synonyms. It’s like feeding a dog a pill covered in fucking peanut butter. Gotta “trick” them to help them because they just don’t understand otherwise. I don’t wanna trick anybody I just wanna help but stupid fucking billionaires got these idiots convinced socialist concepts are gonna destroy the country. Oh no! We made your medications cheaper and allowed you to unionize so you can get better wages and job security! So evil! I swear, if you changed “Union Dues” to “Employment Insurance” they’d be all aboard.
My theory is that some asshole at google thought it was soo much to keep track of what every government globally calls their government operated parks and nature reserves, and just wanted a blanket term for it and went for “state park”, with no consideration for how itd piss most countries off.
Yep. Its not technically wrong to call them state parks, but still fuck’em that is our PROVINCIAL park.
Maybe a small cultural hill we are on right now but we give us enough of these hills and suddenly we lose any semblance of cultural uniqueness.
They’re done this globally apparently. They just got rid of the provincial park option and defaults all government operated nature reserves, of any government, as “state parks”.
Seems very shortsighted and with a disregard for other countries. Extremely confusing move by google.
That’s a fair assessment. Now that you mention it, we don’t actually have many frozen donuts at my location. I wonder what they do to freeze the tim horton donuts, or what could be done to make them just as good despite being frozen. Maybe thawing a “blank” and cremeing and icing it freshly? Almost makes me want to experiment at home for freezing methods.
Assuming these sites are canadian operated and funded, I fail to see how this be used against us. I fully agree that the Trump admin is posturing itself as a threat to Canadians right now, but this could be a powerful way to remind the world that Canada and US are North Americans in it together. While shit is getting rough, we are ultimately in NATO together.
We can defend our sovereignty and cooperate with Americans simultaneously. Realistically speaking, this will go nowhere most likely.
Yep! I haven’t looked deep into it because that is a “Once already in Canada” problem in my mind. Just a simple hunting rifle that I know the in and out of and can familiarly and effectively shoot is enough for me.
I’m not all gung-ho about guns or anything either, in terms of policy many would call me anti-gun even. I wouldn’t disagree. I am a staunch pacifist and refuse to glorify violence or the tools for it. I just want to know I can have the ability and skills to defend Canada if such a time comes. The world is changing and self defense is timeless.
Even considering maybe joining the reserves too. I am a college educated adult, so I would likely become an officer and they get paid niiiiice.
Also interested. I am Canadian living in America and am looking to back asap. Was looking for go bags in case if things get way too hectic in the US for Canadians and I just need to get in my car and dash to the border.
I figured basic medical, food & water, basic survival stuff would be needed. I would add a gun to the mix, but thats money I would rather save to help move to Canada. Plan on buying a gun once in Canada.
I was thinking that lemmy.ca needs a ehbuddyhoser on here. It is insane how that sub is the most patriotic canadian subreddit on reddit aside from buycanadian lmao
Ditto. If it is secure, independent, and operated and maintained by Canadians, it is simply in the best interest of both countries. Frankly, it might be something we want to explore on our own even without the US leading it. We are an awfully large country though, and it might not be practical. But maybe we can atleast protect major population centers? Who knows. I’m out of my depth here.
It seems really promising. Even my mother who voted MAGA in America really likes Carney. He is absolutely swaying many conservatives with how comically overqualified he is for the position.