• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Im from Newfoundland Canada. The city I live in has a water treatment facility and the tap water is perfectly fine to drink without any filtering or boiling.

    Many smaller towns in my province only have natural water sources (lakes/ponds/streams) or wells for their water supply. The town I grew up in was like that up till about 2005-2006ish. It was pretty rare for us to have to boil water though, maybe 3 weeks out of the whole year, a neighboring town with a different water supply had to boil their water for most of the year so there was alot of variability.

  • Im from Newfoundland, generally the type of people here who fly the national flag are also flying flags from other provinces and nations along side it.

    Seems to be the custom to fly the flag of a nation that a relative or friend lives in. Sometimes you see flags for causes they support as well, like the ‘Every Child Matters’ flags, pride flags, and the Ukrainian flag has been pretty popular lately.

    Its pretty rare to see just the Canada flag or just the provincial/republic flag on its own outside of government property.