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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • I’m not saying Aaron was 100% bad, my point is that I don’t really think he’s some modern-day hero either. And I’ve already replied to someone that dismissed the his child porn views as a forgotten childhood comment. It wasn’t merely a poorly thought out comment he made at 16 and forgot about, he maintained and edited that page until his death, even restoring it after a server crash deleted it.

    If you want to celebrate his tech contributions or his views on scientific piracy I’m all for it. I just don’t agree with this view of him getting spread that he’s some hero co-founder of Reddit that is being unfairly erased from history when that’s inaccurate at best. He’s just a dude that did some great things, had some great views, had some really really shit views, and never gave a shit about reddit.

  • If you’re only interested in topics then switching from another social network to fediverse isn’t so bad. But a lot of the twitter userbase is there because they want to follow people not topics. If you’re into journalism all the journalists are there. If you’re in the art world all the artists are there. Prior to musk it was easy to know that you were following who you thought you were. And the value is in that group of people all being there.

    It’s like how it’s not a big deal for me that I quit reddit to come here, but I still have to maintain a Facebook and LinkedIn presence for my career. I can’t (yet, anyways) tell people I meet at conferences to look me up on fediverse and then have to explain what that is and how it works and make sure they follow the right account name from the right instance.

  • I finally just made an account on kbin.social to get a little more familiar with this whole fediverse thing and see where I want to actually consider home. But for the past few weeks I’ve been following the redditalternatives subreddit and looking at various instances of lemmy/kbin. I made a post there about noticing that depending on which instance I view a thread from it’ll contain a different number of comments despite being the same thread shared with federated instances. I was told that the data sync (not sure the proper terminology yet) is still a bit laggy & buggy so it takes some for the data to propagate to all federated instances and some comments may not sync at all. This is one of my biggest concerns on using fediverse as a platform.

  • I’d say you can read Aaron’s own defense of child porn on his website and draw your own conclusions. If you’re trying to suggest that I’m somehow defending Ohanian and Huffman, far from it. I can think Swartz shouldn’t be considered a modern folk hero and still not like the other two.

    Huffman was a mod for the jailbait subreddit.

    Here’s an interview with Ohanian after CNN reported on the jailbait subreddit which caused Reddit to close it down. Alexis blames CNN for “making up jibber jabber” and the children who allowed images of their abuse to be posted online.

    This type of view was apparently support by all the original Reddit folks, just because Swartz has a better reputation now doesn’t mean he didn’t also share those views.