• 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2020


  • Sure. It’s not a “problem” really. The issue that I have is that all of the houses and clans being detestible is based on bullshit we think is actually true in real life. Like they took the house that was “socialist” and basically slapped together ill the bullshit lies about real socialist states and then put a veneer of sci fi on it? Then the house that is the allegory for “America” is bad because they keep talking about freedom and all that bullshit but they’re… Smug about it. 😒

    I dont know all the lore. And Im slowly getting into it. But most of the stuff im seeing so far is just lazy sci fi. Which is a big shame.

  • This stuff right here is worth preserving. I love to cook. But I also only like to cook if it’s for more than just me.

    It’s really just a very basic human love language. Damn near primordial. It says; I am aware of hunger and I am aware of the joys of a full belly. And since I have the power to prevent you from feeling hunger; I will do that.

    To be THIS MAD over a woman wanting to feed her knuckle headed neighbors is stunning.

    Where I work, we used to do unsanctioned pot lucks. Outside the mandates of management. Stuff like that builds solidarity. I have older women coworkers who straight up feed me and on return; I usually find myself making sure I do most the heavy lifting in my job specifically for them because they’re older and I dont wanna see my coworkers risk hurting themselves.

    It aint patriarchy for women to cook for men. It’s patriarchy to MAKE women cook for men as a prescriptive expectation of gender roles.

    Why be angry at women who WANT to be motherly?

  • Im gonna plant a big gay flag into the skull of one of these clowns that has STFU emblazoned on it.

    PatSocs are fucking traumatized by twitter and social media. Absolutely fucking traumatized that the internet enabled FOR ONCE in history the safety of anonymity for non whites to let whites know exactly what they think FOR ONCE.

    Im so sick and tired of PatSocs crying that sassy trans folks are the reason the roads are turning to gravel and the fucking power is going out.

    Just… Shut the fuck up. My god.

    It’s the disrespect of assuming the “wokies” have no idea what the concept of relationships to labor are. It would be a fucking MIRACLE if they stopped presuming that non whites just wanna be non white liberal elites or that they dont know any better because they simply have unique concerns.