Exploring the Fediverse!

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Translated the article from the Dutch news website nos.nl:

    A lovebird that was taken by the police in Utrecht last week has become an international hit on social media in a few days, reports RTV Utrecht.

    The police literally put the lovebird on water and bread on Thursday, after its owner was arrested for shoplifting. The suspect had the bird on his shoulder when officers arrested him.

    A birdcage was not available at the office, so the bird had to be put in a cell as well. There he received a white sandwich and some water, the police reported on Instagram.

    RTV Utrecht posted a photo of the lovebird with a bar in front of its eyes. Animal lover Emma from Scotland picked up the article and the animal has since gone viral on Twitter.

    The arrested owner was released by the police the same day and left the police station with the bird on his shoulder. “The lovebird also invokes his right to remain silent,” jokes a police spokesperson.

  • Allereerst vervelend dat je dit overkomen is, dit had nooit mogen gebeuren.

    Als er geen aangifte is en de politie betrapt de persoon niet op heterdaad kunnen ze niet veel doen. Daarom altijd aangifte doen. Hoe meer aangiften, des te eerder de politie actie gaat ondernemen.

    Als ze hem gevonden hebben (zonder aangifte) kunnen ze niet meer dan de persoon wegsturen. Niemand weerhoudt hem er van om morgen weer het bos in te gaan.

    Je kunt eventueel contact opnemen met de boswachter, misschien dat die extra kan opletten.

    Disclaimer: Ik ben niet werkzaam of heb enige affiniteit met politie/justitie.