Summertime Soviet

One of Lemmygrad’s original admins


He/Him Firearms Engineer

May the sea bless you, and may Marxism-Leninism guide you.

  • 24 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2019


  • I would suggest SRA, but you can tell with their content that they’re walking on eggshells, so most of what they have to say is way too thin to be useful.

    I’m not aware of a single left-leaning mil or firearms -tuber, and I suspect that’s because open leftists in that sphere would be at a higher risk of death threats and investigation. If you can stomach the far-right or the right-liberal guntubers, they usually know what they’re talking about when it comes to the subject matter (just know that they’re going to make horrible “”“jokes”“” or openly advocate for terrible things)

    unfortunately, all of the “”“unbiased”“” miltubers took a hard turn into NATO defending when the Russo-Ukrainian war started. And the same is true of all of the Eastern-bloc-themed guntubers, outside of the ones who actually live in an EB country… but a lot of them were pushed off of youtube by google for being Russian.

  • Liberals love to boil war down to its abstracts.

    War is, to them, inherently bad because of the destruction and death it causes.

    They think that all you need is empathy to end conflicts, that all political issues in the world can be solved by love and understanding.

    They don’t care what the justifications for a conflict are, nor do they care what the goals of the conflict are. All wars are evil, all fighting is evil. The liberal is good, those who wage war are evil.

    They don’t care about genocide, they don’t care about aggression, and they especially don’t care about international treaties. They only care about empathy.

    If you put a VR headset on someone who’s waging a war to defeat Nazism and prevent genocide they’re not going to walk away with something new. They already have empathy, they already feel for the civilians who’ve been caught in the crossfire. Their goals are more important than the suffering the war will cause, and as someone who makes hard choices, they’ve already come to terms with that.

    Defeating Nazis is far more important than the rough time the war will cause for a young woman in Kyiv. And if that young woman is herself a Nazi, then her rough time doesn’t matter in the slightest.

    Maybe liberals should put on the headset and see what Russians living in Eastern Ukraine & Crimea have been going through under the Ukrainian government, show them what the Nazis have been doing in the Donbas. Maybe then they’d understand that empathy for Ukraine equates to sympathy for Fascism, if that empathy pushes them to oppose Russia’s war.

  • Even if that’s the case (it isn’t always) it’s a lot better to have a local boot than a foreign one.

    Africans deserve to be governed by Africans, not politicians who turn their country over to imperialists for profit. It’s much better to critically support coups in the imperialized world when they’re done by local interests than it is to make blanket statements and deny local voices their self-determination.

  • Summertime Soviet@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlDemocracy!
    10 months ago

    I hate Orwell, but man was right about the doublespeak thing.

    western MSM will say “democracy” when they’re talking about western leaning dictatorships, and “dictatorship” when they’re talking about non-western democracies.

    The only “democracy” in French West Africa is what has been built by its local inhabitants, not what the white man has forced upon them. Full solidarity with the coups, freedom comes from the barrel of a gun.

  • of course, this comes from pure conjecture because the facts haven’t been laid out yet. But I highly doubt the plane crash was orchestrated by Russian officials.

    Russia’s doing really good in the international community right now (not the NATO one, the actual one) and is winning their war. The only thing Russia has going in the international sphere right now are reasons to celebrate. Meanwhile, NATO’s suffering a major defeat in Ukraine, the international community is trying to distance themselves from dependency on NATO, etc.

    Who benefits the most from Prigozhin’s death is the West. Already they’ve used it to stir the pot against Russia. Without Wagner Group’s leadership, they’ve been significantly weakened, this matters because they’ve been the powerhouse of the Ukraine war, and because they could become a major obstacle to regaining colonial control over Niger. WG’s leader being murdered also furthens the division between the Russian State and the mercenary group, NATO could harness this to their advantage. It could also increase the risk of civil emergency, as those who saw themselves as being more loyal to Prigozhin than Putin could seek retribution if they believed Putin was to blame.

    It’s not unheard of within Russian politics for opposition to be assassinated, so the chance exists for this to be that. But I really don’t think Putin nor his strategists would think killing Prigozhin is a good idea. At least not while NATO’s looking for any reason to up the war effort, and tensions in Africa could escalate.

  • Bro, you’re on a Marxist-Leninist instance.

    None of us believe the revolution will happen overnight. We believe in building the revolution through raising class-conscienceness. We understand that what needs to happen takes time, and we understand that sometimes it’s a Sisyphusian struggle. It’s not “no compromise, no discussion” as you stated, we understand the need for discussion. Talk to any principled communist, you’ll get an honest discussion. But you also have to understand that there’s absolutely no room for compromise if that compromise means counter-revolutionaries can prevent actual change from happening. If you’ve heard the adage “give an inch, take a mile”, that applies in the instance of building a brighter future.

    If we let racists have a say, they’ll prevent measures to repair racial relations. If we let sexists have a say, they’ll prevent measures for gender equality. If we let supporters of the current socio-economic system have a say, they’ll prevent the transition to a better system. This isn’t just conjecture, these are things that we’ve learned from previous revolutions, and from our efforts towards creating new revolutions. Marxism-Leninism is a scientific ideology, we observe the world, explain it, then learn from it. We have learned that we can’t compromise, or detractors will take everything away from the revolution that they can.

    Further, we understand that the revolution will, very likely, come in the form of social upheaval and civil war. No successful revolution has come into being without bloodshed. We know we can’t just vote socialism into being. When the revolution eventually comes, it will be solidified by the deaths of many of our fellow countryfolk. This isn’t something we take pride in, this isn’t something we wish for. But it’s something we deeply understand.

    You have tried to make a point, without understanding that this is something that we’re already fully aware of. History says it, our theory says it, our forums say it. You’re reminding us of something we’ve all read and discussed many times.

  • Alright, I can see there’s really no point dealing with you then.

    Why doesn’t communism have a gun in the meme? because that’s not the meme. It’s that simple.

    I looked at your other interactions in other places on lemmy federation, and I can see this is a pattern with you. You seem to only be open to your own interpretation of a subject, then you seem to try to force people to use your logic in the conversation. That feels ‘bad faith’ to me, so I’m just gonna go ahead and ban you. You don’t seem to actually want to discuss Socialism in good faith.