EelBolshevikism [none/use name]

  • 10 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • This is just incorrect, read theory

    that’s not what I read at all. Physical “determinism” is something I actually believe in and it’s entirely different from the idea that the universe itself “knows” what’s going to happen. Regular physical determinism can’t explain faster than light information sharing in quantum physics- Regular physical determinism would assume that the “normal” physical laws interacting is what would predetermine anything, which can’t explain faster than light interaction without some extra part. Superdeterminism seeks to be the belief that either the universe intrinsically “decides” everything that will happen before it does, or has some sort of weird invisible law dictating it, separate and superceding from the laws of physics that we know, including quantum physics. Hence the “super”. All you described was normal determinism (which is still fucked over by quantum physics even if superdeterminism is real because it just doesn’t make sense for anyone to be able to physically understand how superdeterminism works. What would happen if we did? We would act on information about what we find out happens but we would be super-determined by the universe to do that but we would be able to see that because we figured it out so we would act on the fact that the universe decided we would act on it but that would be decided by the universe too so we would see that because… which is different from normal physical determinism because each realization is arguably explainable by physical processes and isn’t pre-determined, just inevitable due to physics.)

    Some Redditor:

    Superdeterminism is dismissed because it is not a “useful” theory. It can’t be falsified, but in a superdeterministic universe falsification itself would not be real. The fundamental process of science would not be “real” in any meaningful way. In a superdeterministic universe, the outcomes of experiments no longer reveal anything about any underlying laws - because those outcomes can be scripted. Statistics as a science ceases to work, since statistics is heavily reliant on concepts of probability and independent variables.

    In other words super determinism seems to be the belief that the laws of physics themselves are an illusion, and rather than things being the result of other things, we simply perceive them as such because some sort of hidden, probably unknowable internal mechanism predetermined both in advance. So you don’t test something and get a result because the laws of physics would determine it, you test something which was predetermined by the universe and get a result which was predetermined by the universe but neither are intrinsically related in any way other than the fact that they have illusion they are due to the spacing in time.

    Some Redditor:

    In superdeterminism the entire[ty of a] home run event is preencoded in the ball and again in the guy. There is a variable in the ball that says “at time x, you will change direction and fly over the fence”. There is a variable in the guy that says “at time x, you will swing the bat at this angle”. Momentum and velocity are not why the ball flies. This is a well crafted illusion by the universe in superdeterminism. The ball flies for unknowable reasons that strangely approximate the appearance of our laws of physics.

  • we literally have to pull back our production amount. I am not saying this because I’m a hippie, I’m saying it because I’m a Marxist and a literal defining feature of capital is its tendency towards creating exponential and endless industrial growth. Said growth has to be pulled back eventually because otherwise it sucks. I don’t have a problem with people enjoying things or having luxury- Quite the opposite in fact. I just think capitalism is incapable of doing it sustainably and a TRANSITIONAL SOCIALIST ECONOMY THAT INVENTS SUSTAINABLY SOURCES FOR THE SAME LUXURY is necessary for humanity to survive ,

    let me guess. he rips on veganism too? I wouldn’t be surprised, what an unserious fool

  • our ability to calculate that statistic is a product of the same neuroses that makes our unstoppable drive to consume the entire earth continue forward forever

    no and this take is fucking insane. it’s because we have an elder god of capital urging us towards collective suicide under threat of mass starvation is what’s causing us to consume the earth. counting extinct insects is literally directly disincentivized by our current economic structure for the exact same fucking reason that structure is destroying everything with reckless abandon. hence why this useless fucking article disapproving of the practice was written. read theory or shut up (the unabomber’s shitty ass manifesto doesn’t count nor does Zerzan “the disabled dying is just how it has to be” PrimitivistMan)

    many people spent millennia having access to rational thought without committing genocide, fix your angloid brain, murder isn’t equivalent to “progress”

    • gigachad

    thank you so much for listening. And I really dont want to take away from what you took away from the story- I think perseverance is a virtue and there is a lot of meaning in holding onto hope despite it being . Stubbornness can be based asf. I think the main difference in my thinking is that my perspective is that perseverance is a collective thing; It’s about finding resources and options available to you, and a lot of the time the most effective ones are other people. Like you’ve pointed out this is rather explicit in the game. You can summon others to help you and stuff. I think the only issue is that this help might not be enough alone for some players, and while it might seem cheap or devaluing to the hostility of the world to give them the option to make it easier, I think it fits into the theme of perserverance well. For perseverance as a message to be portrayed to the player, they have to have a chance of succeeding, and giving accessibility and easier options enables that for disabled people. From that perspective I think it would only take away from the hostility of the world if players enabled accessibility options needlessly on purpose. Which while I understand the concern about it, I feel like if someone is choosing to play a famously challenging game, them turning around making it trivial for themselves on purpose is a huge Skill Issue and means they probably wouldn’t properly internalize the themes anyways.

    Or in other words, perseverance is a communal effort and giving accessibility options could help players without access to the community for whatever reason to still receive that message

  • Yeah but only some people can actually experience the story this way. Imagine being a disabled person who can’t beat the game at all because you’re just not quite able to have the manual dexterity to manage your weapons and time dodging. If it’s dozens of times more difficult to persevere, even the most stalwart spirits would just give up and do something more fun eventually, and if the game itself refuses to give any aid, it shows an entirely different message to that player. Without proper accessibility options this messaging and story becomes sour rather than beautiful towards those who are disabled. It says they should be able to continue going without anyone helping them at all, that their extraneous suffering is necessary or inevitable. Rather than being shown a trek against adversity with constant adversity and triumph over that adversity, they’re just spat on by the game and told they’re weak and… by extension, with the rest of the philosophical overtone of the game, specifically combined with the individualistic perspective of refusing to have difficulty choices, shouldn’t even exist because they can’t handle the suffering of it. It’s just the same blank wall of indifference and outright malice disabled people experience all the time everywhere else.