I forgot how fantastic Demonoid was around 2008. It was a fucking utopia.
I forgot how fantastic Demonoid was around 2008. It was a fucking utopia.
Seriously do. I expect that you won’t jailbreak it so you can play ROMs very easily. That would be bad. Don’t do it. Even though it is stupid easy to do once you find a guide. Seriously. There’s even emulators that one could use to play PS1 and PS2 games. Hell even Dreamcast will run on that thing.
But I’m sure you won’t do that.
The “old” Steam Deck ad is sick. Although a lot of gaming ads of the 90s focused on laddish behavior. But I’m glad they left that out.
Also, I just started Super Robot Wars 30 after finally picking it up on sale. Reminds me a lot of X Zone for the 3DS.
“Blood of the unworthy” is a funny way of saying non-rate blood. Which is what it took every time.
The CWIS on my first cutter refused to run until it received a blood sacrifice (someone accidentally cutting their hand while repairing it.)
Respectfully, it’s “will into space”.
I liked reading about the bug hunting and $4000. Thanks for posting.
A lot of my thirties has been spent realizing that there’s more than a good chance that I was/am on the spectrum and not just an admonishable little weird gremlin.
“For the love of god, Montressor!”
I actually forgot how excited I am for this to release on Steam. Tits work!
Yeah, that’s a good point. European countries have that protest game down strong because there’s such an enshrined culture of collective action. We don’t have that here. Yet.
I’m skeptical of this one. On one hand, I am glad that this is going to be visible and let other people know that they aren’t alone and a resistance is there. However, this is unorganized as hell. You’re going to have a lot of first time protestors who don’t know the basics of protesting against an active police state. I think this protest is a net positive, but not a massive one. The best we can hope for is for organizers to make use of this enthusiasm in the future or we get very visible tension escalation.
I don’t think some of you whippersnappers get it. We used to have to download every codec under the sun. VLC having zero compatibility issues was insane in 2001.
The fact that Nolan isn’t getting the hint that people fucking HATE his sound mixing choices is insane to me.
I was watching a movie where this guy’s wife was urging him to apologize to another guy he used to bully. His response was “people don’t just do that!” My friend agreed. I said “We’re people. We can do that right now.”
He was silent for a half hour.
I hope he is okay.
I one made risotto with beets. It looked like a brain.
It’s difficult. My dad honestly raised me to be a loving human being, but seeing him support this shit is going against everything he taught his kids about being good people. But I don’t know if he could have that conversation in good faith. I’ve debated writing him a letter but who knows.
Ohhh fuck yeah!