I love how you take the definition of relationship to labour, and make it about market places that have existed long before capitalism has.
I love how you take the definition of relationship to labour, and make it about market places that have existed long before capitalism has.
It’s has its place for sure.
But the physics are far more against satalite.
But the reason I don’t believe in large scale satalite systems for consumers is because they’re disposable. They all fall down or contribute to the growing space junk problem.
So it’s not really any better at the end of the day than just burying a fibre cable for 40 years.
Because building space ports and rocket launches have 0 impact as well.
But you acknowledge this, so what’s your point? Why pay a techno billionaire when we can publicly fund cables way cheaper and more friendly?
If we can figure out how to put them on the bottom of the ocean and pipelines over just about any terrain, I think we can figure this out
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I’m not saying your doing it intentionally.
Bur it is how it starts.
Edit the person I replied to didn’t use probably. Then you came in with a probably statement. That’s how miss information starts. People supporting bullshit with “probably”
A link to it will do
Do you? Because made up satistics are still made up.
This is how misinformation starts.
If your not sure, google it before commenting. For the sanity of the internet.
Not the person you replied to.
I mean that’s all good and fine, but it’s still off topic at best?
They’re valid problems to have, but no one here asked you to. Yours is a root comment.
It’s not an airport, there’s no reason to announce your departure.
That’s just Alberta…
No GDPR does not require google to display app permissions like that…
Your just making things up.
Are they? What law?
That’s also not an excuse to not try.
Is that why The UN
Is also demanding the same thing?
Do you really see the Palestinians being free? As they’re actively killed?
As for specific policies, how about removing any mention or distinction between any religion in the region.
How about freedom of movement to start?
You want to know what would stop that kind of thinking?
Ending apartheid
So why is that in the news then?
That’sy entire point. It doesn’t belong in news it belongs in academic settings because that’s what it’s a call for.
Because I’m not going to listen to some random “expert” without peer reviewed literature?
Yeah, no…
Fun fact. In North America you can get your pilots license at 16 in Canada and I believe the US, and yet there’s been nothing reported there? So nope still don’t buy it.
And where do you think ANC tech was developed? Bose literally made their name in aviation headsets.
“Noise-cancelling is dangerous in general” is something you read into the article. It’s not actually there. What it’s saying is “young people should watch their use of noise-cancelling headphones as the auditory system needs exposure to noise to properly develop”. That’s it. It’s a “young people, have an eye on this” thing, not “burn your headphones”.
Your still listening to someone just shouting into a microphone. Why should I take them seriously?
You say this like pilots, young and old, haven’t been using ANC headphones for decades safely at this point.
And no, just because someone says something could be a risk, doesn’t mean we all respond. I mean that’s literally the lesson we learned from the vacines cause autism. What are you even talking about it’s okay to just wildly speculate.
So the general tailscale actually uses peer to peer wiregaurd connections. Headscale is the middle point to negotiate these wiregaurd connections.
So none of the traffic moves through the VPS.
As for a VPS itself, it’s noore unsafe than your local bare metal. It’s still an application publicly exposed and needs basic precautions like fail2ban or crowdsec