Youre applying logic to the situation, they do not, plenty of cognitive dissonance.
I think if they paint themselves as the victim then they can do no wrong, seems to be working for them too
Limited knowledge man here so here a little google
Endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers. Endorphins are released by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in response to pain or stress, this group of peptide hormones both relieves pain and creates a general feeling of well-being.
If i had to guess, its to stop parents potentially suing school boards, some foresight that didnt come to fruition maybe
Edit: someone explained in the comments, classifeid as an over the counter drug for some reason
Just seen an advert from CNN via the 1980s on youtube, “invest in this, invest in that, invest in children our most precious natural RESOURCE”
they are resources to be invested in apparently
Shit nature, me too
Cat in a hat, a deer old hat, a deer old hat that should be on a mat… doesnt look very comfy
Nah i chose drugs and social inadequacy, pick your battles idiots
Haha sorry man, too used to bein on the defensive on the Internet. Feelsdumbman
Im baffled by the americans that want to live under a monarchy, they see themselves as peasants i guess
Thank you, makes a little sense in my drunk scottish head now
I have family in titusville and lets jst say the memes ring true, unhinged, completely detached from reality.
Sorry just realised you arent the same person lol sorry sorry sorry
Can u just tell me what ur point is? I dont have time for your shite
Sorry if this is a joke and im missing it but i dont personally draw or create comics
Need to start slashin these cunts so theyre easily identified
Looks good to me
Protectors of the coast line