I only work in theory

‘E questo è il fiore del partigiano, morto per la libertà’

  • 90 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022

  • Thank you for the tips I will keep them in mind.

    I am re-reading theory because I am going to be a writer on the new party programme we will use for the upcoming elections. To be able to do this, I want to have a fresher understanding of Marxism again and I figured I will read (some) of the reading list that is posted here. In the past I never made notes of marxist literature and I will probably do it now. I finished reading Lenin’s The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism just now and, despite it being a pretty easy work, I’m pleased with what I wrote down. I wanted to start with Marx’ and Engels’: Critique Of The German Ideology, Chapter I but as soon as I saw Hegel and Feuerbach mentioned, my brain made the windows shutdown noise and I figured it was time for bed lol.

  • Sometimes I forget to count my blessings and I get caught up in focussing on this marxism stuff too much, and it can wear me down. I find participating in a society that I just can’t get behind extremely frustrating and if I then also forget to touch grass, things start to look greyish in my mind.

    It is a nice week. I am healthy. My party is having a festival this weekend. It’s going to be great weather all week. I am in a good spot. I should just keep that in mind as well.