CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • The list of folks guilty of war crimes is myriad and not limited to the presidents. Yes.

    I don’t believe you could or should blame Biden singlehandedly for Palestine. Yes.

    Neither of those lessen the guilt that the Presidents bear, they simply expand the roster of people to try for abetting war crimes. When it comes to punishment, it’s fine to start at the top and work down the hierarchies until someone feels like it’s getting to be too much. Part of the point is revenge. Part of the point is to set an example. Clearly the Nuremberg trials didn’t go far enough because the “Allies” didn’t learn from it.

    I like the idea of acknowledging this is a wish list. I don’t believe there to be anywhere that will punish or reward them. I feel like that’s another fairy tale.

    I argue for what’s moral whether or not anyone else will listen. The realization that nobody who can try these war criminals will try them is another way to help people learn that we live in a fundamentally evil system that must be destroyed.

  • The courts you imagine to exist for trying these folks… Where can I find them?

    Take your pick. There’s the Hague, which is internationally recognized as a place to try war criminals. Or there could be a tribunal in Nuremberg since that’s where they hanged (a woefully paltry number of) high-ranking Nazis after WWII. Or those war criminals could be handed over to People’s Courts comprised of the families that survived having their loved ones murdered. Send Bush to Iraq, send Biden to Palestine, send Clinton to Libya.

    The country decided that the president is immune from prosecution. A system which enshrines in its legal structures such morally reprehensible positions is completely illegitimate. We don’t have to obey, nor should we.

    As for your last question, consider it a wish-list. But if anyone in government actually had a conscience they would be demanding this too or seeking to change the laws to get the ball rolling. Gotta prosecute and punish the war criminals before they die of old age and escape to a Hell that will be far kinder on them than they deserve.

  • Are any of them willing to throw in with leftist organizing? I would not be upset at people for figuring out late that fascism is a threat if they were willing to admit they were late to the party, don’t know what’s going on, and are not experienced enough to lead so they should stay quiet, learn from those of us who’ve been on the front lines, and help us by doing what the movement tells them needs doing. But instead they tell me to just vote when there’s nobody to vote for.

  • I care about it in the sense that it is real and it is happening, and am doing things in my life and in my community to protect myself and my comrades as best I can.

    Yeah that’s the only thing I can think of to do, try to protect as many of us as possible locally and hope that everyone else everywhere else is trying to do the same. There’s no stopping this legally without Democratic support and the Democrats really act like they want it to happen.

  • They’re adherents of the American Civic Religion and all of their views and beliefs come through that lens. Their blind faith prevents them from recognizing the material and political realities of the situation. Which is to say, they’re worse than useless and are a defacto enemy as they crush any seed of effective resistance while diverting all resources to the collaborationist DNC.

    Not much we can do now but try to survive and protect what and who we can.

    Well said, thank you comrade.

    What was that liberal tweet about how people would riot if Roe was overturned? It got so many retweets and shares. Riots should have happened, but when it came time to do it none of the liberals rioted.

    I remember the milquetoast “progressive” Nathan J Robinson arguing that if Biden won he should stack the Supreme Court to fix it, since everyone could see the Republicans had cheated to capture the SC anyway. Even that was too extremist. The Democratic Party straight up does not want to win. What’s the point of voting them into power when they just turn around and hand all that power to the Republicans anyway for the sake of “bipartisanship” and “being the bigger people”?

    I’m not leaving the USA though, shithole though it is it’s my home and my family have all moved here. I don’t want to go somewhere else. Fascism is on the rise all across the West and I don’t do well with extreme heat so the Global South is out.

  • This is something I find so frustrating about the libs. They basically handed their supposed enemies victory over and over again and are now saying that it’s up to us to save the country from the disaster they enabled, but they will also only accept salvation if it’s done by doing exactly what led to this point.

    For all that Copmala talks about how we didn’t fall out of the coconut tree and need to envision a future unburdened by what has been, when I actually envision a future free of their bullshit they clutch their pearls and say it’ll never work.