• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Just finished up and I liked the spy thriller premise but it does rank lowest in my D+ series ranking. The entire thing feels like a setup, but for… (fill in the blank with not a waste of time at some point in the future please)?

    Ritson’s response is painfully USian, so it tracked for me, but it’s like globally, aliens aren’t a new concept so… Why?

    So daft that you can’t somehow differentiate between good aliens and bad aliens and given that the globe is already dealing with the blip fallout and repatriation efforts a million seems like such a miniscule number, so, who cares?

    G’iah as super-super-super powered individual seems too much to me, even as I was accepting that Gravik had cracked the ability to get some powers, it still wasn’t an end all be all issue. Now you’ve introduced some potential meta-threat that’s just tacked on the end of one of the weaker D+ series and for what? Like what is going to be done with this character or is she just going to be shuffled off and sidelined?

    I don’t like the way that the series just did away with established characters (Hill especially, Talos because wholesome AF, liked him) so casually, though. Like the deaths felt they lacked any real weight to them. They felt like just things.

    I do like Varra. So, so much I like her. I doubt she’ll ever show up again but for what it’s worth, I like her.

    I feel for the Skull plight. I just wish that they’d gotten better than this. Surely there is more to it than Gravik vs. Talos/Fury.

    Maybe whatever it’s setting up will make it something I want to watch again in the future, but for now, sadly, one watch was enough.

  • Here is something important that I learned about discussions/arguments/debates though.

    If you are presented with (real, verifiable) facts that conflict with what you hold to be true, will you change your stance? Does your stance change and grow as new facts are acquired or does your view stay stagnant?

    If the person you are speaking with will not or does not agree to this basic idea, then there is no amount of productive debate to be had and you are generally only wasting your time.

    If someone comes in with scientific papers and the other with think tank articles, these two things are not the same.

    It’s chess with pigeons.

  • I continue to vote for defederation.

    Having looked at the instance in question myself and participated in the various conversations regarding defederation for them, I can see no valuable reason to keep federation at this point.

    As late as yesterday I came across (and blocked) in my feed an account with a name from exploding-heads of ihate(trans_slur) that made its anti-trans purpose on their server clear. I would be glad to privately provide the screenshot of the account in question on request as I do not want to boost visibility or post hateful content myself.

    There will always be ideas I personally do not agree with, that’s fine. But it seems that this conversation around this one single instance has caused much trolling, many bad faith arguments, and has been at general odds at what I perceive the server is trying to accomplish.

    The new information regarding botswarming is something I was not aware of until this post. I was monitoring the general posts regarding that type of content and supporting removal of bot instances, and that does add another layer to why defederation should be considered for this instance.

  • I should clarify, it wasn’t the beehaw defed. It was the notification that our defederation was being discussed elsewhere, the Donald community was closed, and users were banned, which did not occur with the beehaw defed.

    At the time of that ban, this user came, with similar though less antagonistic talking points, replying in the same thread as their only activity as a registered user, and has since deleted their comments in that thread.

    It is possible it’s in good faith, though given the above experience, I find it less likely.