• 31 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • The enemy will always try to bring you down , main thing is not to let others influence you, Leaders of USSR and most middle class people were naive. Even now just look at NFKRZ and Kasparov vomiting Putler propaganda day in and day out for placating these western libs. I remember (from what I read ) our Communist party members met Minister Suslov in 1980s and still he was blaming Stalin for every misery in 1980s.

    But the guy did all the right things in Stalin’s years damm…

  • What he told me that he had severe disagreements with the leadership when his friends were killed in Mariupol. He was ready to fight against Donbass battalions but Russia was too much. He was also given free chit by FBI and he entered US. Actually what he told me was interesting , Azov had other plans for European continent like spreading its branches and training but NATO took over Ukraine fully and now they are just cannon fodders. First he was in Russell Bentley’s channel convincing people that those Azovs are truly anti LGBT then he got banned but before the admins had their way I had a small chat with him.