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Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I heard this a couple of days ago, and the more I’m looking into it, the more I find the green party a joke at best.

    Alaska has a number of things. A population of conservationists amoung the general population who are likely disaffected. An environment that is being exploited harder than most states. Now ranked choice voting. Most people would see them as the environmentalist party. How much good could they do towards that cause if they got into that state legislature? What if they could take the congress seat or a senator? If they took the electoral votes it would be harder since the ranked choice only seems to be for the states choice, but they could prove they could win at some level. How many candidates are they running in Alaska? One, jill stein. How much effort are they putting in there for her? I can’t tell. The main criticism of them does not exist there, but they aren’t even trying. They can accomplish many of there goals there more easily than anywhere else. It’s the perfect storm for them. Pathetic.

  • I saw a video recently where the guy was talking about how the us navy is failing at maintenance. He explained that a lot of it was turnover. A lot of skilled labor was leaving. It took me a minute to remember, but I actually used to be employed as a contractor working on the software that did just that. I didn’t make weapons, or anything that would be exported. Just software that organized ship maintenance. I wouldn’t go back regardless, but the reason I left isn’t the reason I wouldn’t go back. I don’t feel as comfortable with the military as I did a almost a decade ago when I was hired.

    But why did I leave? Years of uncertainty from shut downs and funny budget fluctuations. All the comments on the video said to pay more, but I turned down a raise to get stability when I left. Myself and several people left around that same time. I assume for the same reason. They like pretending that they have broken nothing when the money comes back online. They’ve broken a lot of things including the “military readiness” they pretend to care about.

  • I don’t think women in general love trump. I think that’s a difficult demo for him. Sure I can find a few at his events but the average woman really doesn’t like him. Does that mean he’s not masculine? They are just inventing little things to be on the surface of what is and isn’t masculine. Walz has the only core masculine traits I can think of. He loves and takes care of his family. Everything else is superfluous window dressing. These guys only care about dressing though.