Bat [she/her]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 2nd, 2024


  • brain worms

    fuck all of this i’m just going to manmode for the rest of my life, nobody is ever going to see me as a woman

    god hrt is just another source of anxiety for me, i’m constantly worried that my spiro isn’t working and keep wanting to get more blood work but that’s expensive so i just panic for months and months and months on end in between blood work, and the long i’m on hrt the more spaced out it is the more i worry this shit isn’t working

    a big reason why i’ve wanted to switch to injections recently is that it gives me an excuse to have my blood work taken again and check to see if my t levels are still suppressed

    i was on 50 mg but then my endo lower it to 25 mg and it freaked me out so i only did that for a bit then i went back to taking the old 50 mg pills but i’m running out and soon i’ll just have to take two of the 25 mg, i need a new endo anyway and a new prescription

  • i can barely sit at all, i’m just keeping busy with house chores mostly. i could not just sit and listen to music at the moment

    i stupidly took another this morning, i’ve heard that there can be really bad symptoms from stopping medication like this suddenly so i just took another but i’m already regretting that decision

    this is not my first day of it, this morning’s dose was day 4. my doctor still has not responded to my email, i have no idea if she’s even going to check it until Monday and i do not have her number or any other way to get in contact with her quickly

    i was able to sleep a little but not much, i kept waking up in the middle of the night, but that’s not unusual for me in the slightest, i don’t get very restful sleep

    but as soon as i woke up it started ramping up again and this morning i’m right back where i was last night

    idk if i need emergency shit, i mean i feel awful but idk if it is life threatening or anything like that

    thankfully i’ve got nothing to do for the foreseeable future, my life is falling apart and i just dropped out of college recently so i’ve got nothing

  • wellbutrin/lexapro update: holy shit i feel absolutely awful right now

    i’ve just been completely wired all fucking day, i spent like 2 hours scrubbing the drip pans for the stove and would have kept going if my friend didn’t stop me cause they wanted to eat dinner

    i’ve just been bouncing from task to task and i feel like i can’t stop, typing this now is like the second time i’ve sat down in hours

    i’m both very energetic and also insane anxious, unexpected noises keep making my jump halfway across the room and i’m flinching at even small movements also my eyes are dilated as fuck

  • Anxiety and depression are really common for autistic people but autism often brings experiences of executive dysfunction, burnout, and catatonia which can resemble depression very closely. My hunch is that there’s a good percentage of autistic people who experience these things but they are under the impression that they are symptoms of depression and so they find antidepressants don’t work for them.

    In a similar way, symptoms of anxiety can closely resemble experiences like overstimulation and being exposed to noxious stimuli, masking, suppressing stims, and not meeting your need for stability and predicability in your environment.

    i would not be surprised if that is the situation i am in, i probably have both burnout/depression and anxiety/overstimulation though

    especially when it comes to anxiety. i’ve always described and felt anxiety differently than how other people describe it, to me it’s kind of like an inability to do a task, complete freeze at the idea of doing something unfamiliar or without clear instructions. i do also experience what most of people would describe anxiety to be more like, the panicky fast heart rate inability to stay still kind of deal. but i always though of those as two different reactions to the same emotion. kind of like fight, flight or freeze situation. the first feeling just being the freeze response to anxiety while the second being the flight response to anxiety. i never thought of those as two separate things, so i just lumped them into together, but i guess it does make sense to differentiate

    if this is the case and i don’t actually have depression and anxiety and it is just autism symptoms, will medication still work?

  • okay i’m starting to think whatever happened last night was more than just the weed

    it’s been like 15 hours since i took those edibles so it should be well out of my system by now but i still feel really funky, not bad, actually i feel amazing currently even though i felt like dogshit last night, but it is one of the weirdest sensations i have ever felt

    like i feel almost like i’m floating right now, but not in a high kind of way, idk it it so hard to describe. also i’m still quite shaky

    can serotonin syndrome happen that quickly after starting new meds? i had only taken one dose of either meds at that point so idk if that’s it either. but it seems to line up well with what happened, i had extreme anxiety, confusion, troubles falling asleep, i felt like i had a fever but i didn’t take my temp so idk if i know for sure, and i was shaking like crazy, like it was hard to stand up shaky

    i’m not going to high again at least for a week because that’s how long it takes for the worst of the med symptoms to go away so i guess will see how i feel tonight, i really fucking hope i don’t have to experience what i did last night ever again though

  • holy shit i just had the worst time being high in my entire life

    i’m still relatively new to weed and i haven’t had it in almost two weeks. for a bit there i was eating like 2 edibles daily but i had built my tolerance up to that. well last night i ate two despite the time gap since last having weed

    as a kid i felt a lot of existential dread and fear about life, especially when discovering something new about the world that is horrifying, like when i realized god’s not real, it scared the shit out of me for weeks. i felt that exact feeling last night, a complete overwhelming sense of dread or this world

    i was alternating between laughing and crying and had no idea how to react or process what i was thinking, it was absolutely terrifying

    and it just went on and on and on and on, like i would think it would have been hours and i’d check the clock and it’s only been 5 mins, that is by far the slowest i’ve ever experienced time

    by the end of it i was uncontrollably shaking, when i tired to sleep it off it felt like trying to sleep with the flu or something, like i was having fever dream feelings

    before this i couldn’t imagine what being uncomfortably high would feel like but holy shit it was bad, far far worse than being too drunk

    anyway getting high as shit right after starting two new mental health medications was probably not my smartest idea in hindsight, but holy shit i’m just glad to be on the other side of this that was actually terrifying, the most i’ve been filled with fear in a really long time