Gold has value by itself, just look up it’s applications in the semiconductor industry
Gold has value by itself, just look up it’s applications in the semiconductor industry
Maybe a straight to DVD sci-fi movie lol, but taste is subjective
Reminds me of that scene in The Good Guys where Ryan Gosling’s character tries to punch through a window and cuts his arm up and slowly realizes he’s fucked lol
I’ve changed a few employers and so far no one has ever asked me to bring my physical SSN to show them
It kinda looks neat in photos but in person it looks dog shit and the doofuses driving them look even more idiotic than the average lifted truck driving types somehow
Or just push your entire vault to github or some other git host and then push and pull commits using the Git plug-in from the Obsidian community store. Also I wouldn’t mind paying a subscription for syncing, you can’t expect people to keep working on something for free, if I like a tool and I want it to stick around and keep getting updates, I will pay for it. It’s just that bloody apple won’t allow the Obsidian sync to work on the iPhone without moving your entire vault to Apple Icloud and I’m not doing that, once I switch back to android I’ll start paying for the sync subscription
Eww no, Teams is a Slack like work chat app, Outlook is an email client and email is the worst thing to happen to corporate communication, email is only good for company wide announcements. The threaded view of a email chat looks idiotic, I’ve never met someone over the age of 40 who knows how to find an old email with attachments, so they keep asking you to email them the same files as attachments over and over again, it’s slow as he’ll, nothings more excruciating than the silence where you are on a meeting someone sends a email to someone else and now everyone has to wait for the email to arrive in the inbox. If it’s not instant messaging I dont want it, “Yours sincerely” has no place in 2025 for me
Yup I laughed when I read what they mean by “Cage Free”, legalized bribing in the form of lobbying ruined any chance of an actual democracy happening in the US, at least in other countries they have to be hush hush about bribing and they do get caught every now and then. Here they do it openly and a large segment of the population is focused on fighting agaisnt pronouns and DEI and other bullshit instead of focusing on the real enemy
Exactly, I’m doing the same, it’s not like I’ll die if I skip eating eggs for a bit
Fuck knows what these morons want these days other than sowing chaos and stealing even more control and wealth away from the working class
It sort of is portable in the sense that if another company wants to hire you. They can initiate a visa transfer process so you can go work for them but that transfer process costs time and money, so it’s still designed to make it harder for people on visa to switch companies
They literally call you Chuthiya lol
And who do you think will suffer when they start outsourcing jobs, it certainly won’t be the rich people running this country. Attacking legal immigrants is meaningless unless they pass laws prevent jobs from getting outsourced and good luck with that
It’s more about control than money.
Exactly, when jobs get outsourced all that money leaves the country and doesn’t come back, Asia isn’t buying American goods all that much. China is pretty strict about preventing foreign companies from operating in China and India doesn’t allow foreign companies to directly do business in India. They have to spin off a profit sharing venture with a local company, that’s like 2 billion people right there and now with Trump antagonizing western allies, even Europeans are looking to move away from American businesses.
Thank God someone spoke up for the nazi billionaires, where would the world be without good people like you
Reading this just after reading about that guy getting pulled out of that lavatory with his dick out by a united pilot lol. Is being a piece of shit a requirement to get hired by united
As much as this brings a smile to my face, I’m sad that only Tesla is being targeted, Trump owns stuff to people, why haven’t I seen any news regarding that
I never thought about it but yeah you are right, we can eat and drink stuff while on the move, plus we can sweat and control our body temperature