Lesbian biromantic with a lovely GF
She/Her | ESP/ENG | 24
You can do it! You can ditch them and find someone who likes you back, her ❤️ Things will work out and you will date her.
Also, I saw from a previous post that they befriended their ex that hates you and turned into a jerk, which I don’t think is their fault (it’s probably the ex’s, mean people can be manipulative) but it’s definitely unhealthy to be friends with a manipulative, mean person, even if they don’t know the ex is mean (which they likely don’t).
I liked the art
I’m turning 24
Also, the first dialogue is on the right because that’s who’s speaking. Considering I draw everyone of the same gender identically, I should’ve reversed the speech.
I agree. This is what he says:
Like the other comment said, ghosting is not an excuse even with poor mental health. I’m about 6 years older than you and I know if I was having anxiety, for example, I would not ignore or abandon my girlfriend over it.
He can still try to make time for you, even if it’s not a lot, and then explain why he’s been less talkative rather than flat-out ignore you.
However, by what you said, Sam seems to acknowledge that and realizes he was wrong for it. That’s a start.
he also “forgot” about me when he would give gifts to other people, wouldn’t mention me under “people he appreciates” but would mention everyone else, and wouldn’t even tell people abt me.
This concerns me. The other stuff is bad enough even if he acknowledges it but I wouldn’t say he was ever a good BF regardless of mental health from this.
Not only should you wait until his mental health gets better, but for him to mature. He’s probably inexperienced with dating and emotionally immature at just 19.
Hope you find someone else in the meantime 💖 It seems he’s not meeting your needs and frankly wasn’t too loving to begin with. And yeah, try being friends but remember: Just because he’s a good friend doesn’t mean he’s a good boyfriend.
I’m feeling cute, enjoy these pictures I made!! (Seriously, they’re supposed to make you feel better, not be offended)
¡多好! ¡我爱这!
这是過去 :)«the recent past»
我行食近時 😊
That’s perfect!! There appears to be a list of words so far ^ _ ^
I’m sorry, my brain isn’t working. Can you say what you said in English so I can make sense of it? :)
好至君見君作我是頭!!^ _ ^
ni lukin pona tawa mi!! :)
🫂 You’re too good anyway. You deserve better than Issac. He’s taken and cheated with you, so even if it did work out, he’d cheat on you too.