Considering how long it took me to get a non flawed continuity (I got it from the circuit) I expected no less from the primed version.
Considering how long it took me to get a non flawed continuity (I got it from the circuit) I expected no less from the primed version.
I will need to buy all the parts for plat to make her, since I joined so late after she was volted, I might get her if she resurges.
I have a set of colors I like to use, my Octavia has a skin though, so I keep her the Iridos colors.
Rolling guard is one of these things that feels like a legend, I hear people talk about it, but have never found one, I will wiki it and see if there is a farm I can do.
I have no idea how password managers work, and I feel that if it goes wrong, all my different passwords will be out.
While I love creating atrocities with my colors, I think there is nothing wrong with playing default appearance. They are pretty as they are too.
Black, the blues from the storm palette, and the very jarring pinks from the Valentine palette. Octavia is the only exception because I use the Iridos skin on her.
It took me a couple of days to decide to make an account here, I am reaching my limits with creating passwords for all my accounts and remembering them, but since I spent almost all my Reddit time in r/Warframe, it was the logical next step.
I play a lot of Zephyr, but I never noticed that :D I rarely mess with her appearance after I edited it the first time.
I still never played a crossbow. I am a terrible shot too. I like automatic primaries. Spray and pray.
You’re only vulnerable to melee and special attacks like Eximus abilities
That is my only problem with her 3, the Eximus units. Although I would like to see OP try to stay floating far in the Kuva fortress.
I use stationary tornadoes with 2 all the time, and it slaps, this is why I wanted to know what OP thought she wasn’t good for.
Oh, I see there is a Kraken enjoyer here.
Hehe, I don’t have Oberon yet.
Nezha best boi :3 he is one of my mains, though I did get him for gameplay reasons before realizing how fashion frame he is.
As an Egyptian, Inaros was a must-have, I am still building him though.
and those tornadoes wander too much which is a pain on some defense tilesets
You can deploy stationary tornadoes, I almost exclusively use those, especially on defense and excavation. I do agree so much that they don’t attract enough enemies and I have to pull them with her 2 most of the time, which is annoying for energy economy. I have had some problems with survivability but I thought it was because one of my mains is Nezha, who is a tanky boi.
Also now I really want to try your build. I need to get her augments though.
The thing that made me write my other post was that I loved the noise Nezha makes when he activates his 3. Warframe is strangely a very sensory game. I sometimes play the circuit just for all the singing in it.
I have to agree with your wife that Mirage Prime is just beautiful. This is a very heartwarming story too. Unfortunately by the time I got serious in the game, she was vaulted.
I mained Octavia for a while, I got her for free but the marching band look was a big draw for me (especially the “feathers” on her hat). I had no idea I could compose for the Mandachord when I got her. Genuine question, what is Zephyr not good for? she is one of my favorite frames to play, but I have not unlocked everything yet.
This happened to me yesterday, and I was playing during a migraine hangover, so I didn’t understand what was going on, I captured the target and cracked the relic, why don’t you let me go home?
Then I looked at the mission objective and raged at all the enemies around me.