That’s quite the claim, given there’s nothing in the 1A about charity or taxation. What case law/SCOTUS ruling are you basing that off of?
That’s quite the claim, given there’s nothing in the 1A about charity or taxation. What case law/SCOTUS ruling are you basing that off of?
The same way they do for 501c3’s.
Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but they already do that.
No violation of the first amendment at all.
If they are doing as much charity work as they claim they are, then there’s no issue, since it will all be deductible.
No harm, no foul. Only hurts the liars and the cheats. Win, win.
Yes! They can deduct anything they donate from their taxes!
And this is why they will continue to pump out garbage…
We keep buying it, even when it’s shit.
Right? All the little “misc/everything” stores disappeared.
Now if I want something isn’t 100% normie/mainstream, then I can’t find it in store anywhere.
I couldn’t even find thermal paste for a PC build in store anywhere.
Terrible? Yea. Awful? Yes. Unamerican? Absolutely.
Mind blowing? No… not at all.
Sorry, can’t say. I’m all AMD.
Maybe if they just stopped reskinning AC without actually adding new stories/pieces of Eden/abstergo content… they wouldn’t need to do this…
Shadows will be the first AC game I don’t buy. Origins was good, Odyssey was great. Valhalla and Mirage were hot fucking garbage. Fool me twice, and what not.
You can… currently.
I’m running bazzite on both my handheld and my PC…
Other than a mild annoyance at having to manually changing the resolution on my PC to get remote play to work properly, it’s been great.
Hence the “joke” part….
I moved from the U.S. to Germany in 2020.
My running joke since was wondering whether I’d be eligible for citizenship or asylum first….
Almost over the finish line for being eligible for citizenship, but I feel like asylum isn’t that far off.
lol, either France’s tracking data is different than everyone else’s, or wolves really respect the sovereignty of the French border.
What are you suggesting? That music, as an art form, didn’t peak when I was 15-25?
Lies and propaganda!
What and why are they holding back? 16 rounds… why are you holding things back at this point? Because the 17th time is the charm?
Incrementalism isn’t going to accomplish anything here.
It won’t be, but I really hope this is the kick in the pants that these complacent EU and member state politicians need to actually do something.
Who could have possibly foreseen this hilariously predictable outcome?!
I know you tried to, incorrectly, invoke the establishment clause. I asked for the case law/ruling.
Because I don’t recall anything like that coming up in my Con Law classes even remotely close to that, and since you seem to be so confident in the issue, I assume you have something more than just your own feelings on the matter to back it up.
So, what case law lead you to your conclusion?