Se [Fabiano] aprendesse qualquer coisa, necessitaria aprender mais, e nunca ficaria satisfeito.

“Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.”

- Papal Legate Zelensky, c. 2022

  • 74 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Correct me if I’m wrong, but afaik mainstream climate activism boils down to pointing at the iceberg and saying “there’s an iceberg ahead” without any plan on how to avoid death. It is usually very toothless and unthreatening to the ruling classes, which is I think is why they’re allowed to exist and even platformed through greenwashing. I don’t see what success they’ve actually had that we could stand to gain from mimicry.

    Their best analyses boil down to understanding quite a bit of the physical science of it, but they hardly get anything actually going in practice. Ozone layer was their last big win, but it was just because it was rather cheap for the corporations to fix that one.

    Instead I think the way is to do what communists already do the best, which is to study the history of it (climate change) and better explain the hidden class aspect of it. If stories like the BP creating “carbon footprint” to shift the blame on consumers or Obama approving the Keystone XL pipeline on native land (and the subsequent attack on protests) stop becoming loose facts on somebody’s head and become part of a large narrative of the ruling class complete disregard for climate change, regardless of whose campaign they sponsor. You can already see lost libs in the thread parroting PR firm victim blaming talking points.

    And if the interest is the USA, indigenous people are both usually the most interested in combating climate change and the ecological catastrophe, and also the first victims of the repression (and it’s usually not televised). The Red Deal is an alright read if you want to get the perspective of some of them who have been fighting this fight for a while. They also have a podcast, which is alright too.

    TLDR: you can’t properly fight climate change without class consciousness and understanding the history of settler disregard for the environment. This is why lib movements tend to fail at anything but making them feel good about themselves, IMO.

  • It’s honestly rather silly that you think the solution for it is “consuming less” when some 30 million people on the richest country in the world rely on food stamps, and some 60% live paycheck to paycheck. Do you honestly think there’s any more “fat” to cut for those?

    It’s seen as disconnected from reality because it actually is. The problem is not that all (or majority of) people consume too much, but that the production itself (and the waste disposal aftwards) is the most climate-inneficient it could ever be. How is one to “drive less” or “eat less meat” when those are the only ways they could afford to live?

    “Local vacations” lmao

    1. You’d be surprised how many Yankee “leftists” aren’t aware of basic stuff like the Radio Frees, the current indigenous genocide, school to prison pipeline, or the sanctions against the “authoritarian” AES countries (causing a lot of their real issues), among many others, and are very willing to side with their own meddling against countries that are actually trying something because they might be “not true socialism.” Even if all accusations against Cuba or China (I don’t know that much about Vietnam or DPRK) were correct, they’d still be the lesser evil by a long shot.


    There were other visits too, but NATO countries are mostly intentionally boycotting the investigation. I’m pretty sure any person who can do tourism in China can go there so long as they don’t break laws. But I remember a recent article where NATO countries were advising against travelling there, for mysterious reasons.

  • There are usually half a million homeless people in the USA. That means that they could’ve bought each and every one of those a 200k dollar home with that money. They could also have paid a total of 50 million months of rent at the 2000$ median price. And this is even taking as a premise that housing should be sellable or rentable in the first place. And yet they preferred this instead.

    Any Yankee around still not convinced that the USA government needs to end, this is your moment to reconsider.

  • Even in a vacuum, “human nature” arguments for individuals make very little sense against things humans already do or want to do. Here we have humans which are pretty natural doing that very same thing, so in order for them to not obey “human nature” they’d need to have been influenced by space aliens or something.

    Obviously Nazis effectively already believe that, but it’s odd how “well meaning” libs often fall into that same trap.

  • It does make a bit of sense, and there are other sane reasons to do gun control in the USA and stop their gun cults. It’s a bit hard to get statistics on “unsuccessful” attempts because how it gets reported varies a lot, so although firearms are usually the most lethal, I’m not sure if they’re the most prevalent when considering the failed ones.

    But this is a common tactic of their media outlets, to frame every social problem as if the only way it could ever be solved is by voting Blue harder or convincing the Republicans to be normal, or some other nonsense. They always frame it in such a way that implies that common people have zero agency besides voting once every two years and maybe emailing a “representative.”

    I’m no church lover, but even churches can sometimes be more materialistic on these matters of social decay than the libs.