Al_Sham [she/her]

Bint al-Sham

  • 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 14th, 2023


  • Regarding elections in Iran today, let’s clear some things up for the hexies.

    There is actually a massive difference between the candidates.

    One candidate, Dr. Pezeshkian is a free market neoliberal whose inner circle has ties to the NED and wants to redollarize the economy and enable privatization of certain nationalized industries. He is partially campaigning on “lifting hijab law” and is largely supported by high-middle and upper classes as well as minority groups that have been heavily targeted by US/israel propaganda schemes.

    The other candidate Dr Saeed Jalili has vowed to completely dedollarize the economy (USD still run the black market in Iran) and complete Iran’s economic and political “turn to the East” fulfilling its destined role in building multipolarity. He has vowed increased protections for workers, government regulation of financial markets, and prioritizing welfare of women (such as state funded daycare) which explains why he’s endorsed by every major labor union in Iran. He will be a continuation of the Raisi government which saw the largest economic growth ever for Iran and those benefits were reflected in the lower classes such as massively increasing minimum wage.

    Pezeshkian will be a disaster for working class Iranians and slow down Iran’s contributions to developing multipolar world, so this election is actually quite important.

    In reality the overwhelming majority of Iranians do support the revolution even if they have dissatisfaction with their government and their living situation under a genocidal embargo enforced by US imperialism. (See below citation)

    Dr. Pezeshkian is pretty much a step backwards for the country but he’s allowed to run because Iran is a real democracy. Despite leading the previous snap election, Dr Pezeshkian only received support of 16% of the Iranian nation which is interestingly similar to the amount who have supported anti-government riots in previous years.

    Therefore one of the reasons why voter participation has been emphasized is because the leadership of the revolution recognizes that the more regular people who participate the less likely it is that the liberal wins.

    Addendum: the defeat of Qalibaf by Jalili in the first round reflects the major disagreements inside the Principlist faction. One of the major ones being economic policies. Qalibaf was promoting more free-market (rightist) economic policy whereas Jalili is more pro-worker and anti-privatization. Dr. Jalili winning the first round against Qalibaf is actually a great victory for regular working people in Iran provided that he is able to win today.

  • Two different untrue rumors regarding Turkey and Syria spark chaos.

    Earlier this week a rumor was spread in Turkey that a Syrian refugee had assaulted a young Turkish girl, this led to pogroms against Syrian businesses and people, and dozens of arrests by the Turkish government.

    Another rumor was that Ankara and Damascus had a meeting in Latakia province to discuss normalization of relations. Turns out this rumor was also untrue.

    That didn’t stop the HTS Turkish-backed “moderate rebels” from turning on their masters accusing them of “selling them out to Bashar.” Dozens of Turkish soldiers and HTS terrorists were killed and injured in gunfire exchanges, military bases were torched, and internet is reportedly down across much of the northern occupied Syria. Turkish flags were burned, border crossings closed, and Turkish businesses in the territory vandalized.

    It’s noteworthy that in all of the so-called “liberated territories” of Northern Syria, a Turkish appointed governor runs the affairs and Turkish soldiers have some presence.

    Everyone knows that Damascus condition of Turkish-Syria normalization talks is for Ankara to agree to leave all of Syria. So the proxy terrorists are feeling the heat of their impending abandonment.

    Some Syrian commentators suspect that both rumors are connected and Erdogan is trying to spread greater ethnic strife in order to better his position in future negotiations with Syria.

    We’ll see what happens.