(Also I’m still salty about Origin Systems in 1992!)
They are finally getting re-discovered by younger generations a bit more, but they are often missing from memes like this. Considering how groundbreaking their projects like Wing Commander and of course Ultima were, it is a true shame. They truly fell from the very top and slowly died thanks to EA. (And, admittedly, also in part mismanagement and not being able to overcome the prohibitive cost of physical media i.e. floppy disks and CDs properly)
Some admins have been developing and sharing solutions, from regex filters to going down into the databases itself.
For my small instance and personally, I haven’t seen any new messages in a while now, after adding this regex to the slur filter mechanism:
(.*(\n)*Hi.*[nN]icole.*[fF]ediverse [cC]hick(.|\n)*)
Sadly my brain is blanking which instance admins I should credit for that, but it was shared around somewhere.