Not Danish here… Isn’t that 12.5?
Not Danish here… Isn’t that 12.5?
A declaration of war from the current leader of NATO will likely fracture what is currently NATO. Europe will want to help Canada, but they will be preoccupied with suppressing Russia’s aggression, because there is no longer a NATO.
Canada won’t have NATO. At best it will have half of NATO.
Do fish think land is heaven
China: the fuck did I do??
Hardly anyone buying an S&P 500 ETF can name all 500 companies.
Just bribe them to get the score back up
Fellas, is it a crime to not want to do something from time to time?
Oh whoops I thought I posted in Google pixel. It’s a pixel 7 (which really should have gotten this by now)
Where can I find it under adaptive charging?
They have since upgraded the Whitehouse with fire-resistant materials, premise security, and anti-missile systems.
Mutual exclusivity means you can’t be poor and obese at the same time. If you meant they are independent of each other though, that I get.
Of course it’s fake. A loser like this wouldn’t know how many digits is a good salary to begin with.
What firearms does the US get from Canada?
Why not just history | grep keyword
then? Works in any directory.
Humans are the only species to have been known to regret existing as a whole.