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The israeli invaders are free to move back to where they came from lmao
The fact that you don’t consider Zimbabwes dollarinos an actual currency doesn’t take away anything from the argument you replied to.
Talking out of the ass isn’t particularly an area most people are proud to be experts in, but you do you boo
Cute of you still believing the people running shit being limited by nations lol
I do use a case, nothing special, just some random chinese plastic. I also keep it wrapped in plastic protectors, both on the back and front, and tend to switch them out when it begins to look scuffed.
So far it looks kinda brand new besides the edges that have some actual scuff marks, i tend to drop it frequently lol
For what its worth, my galaxy flip 5 is over 2 years by now and have no issues whatsoever. I also work in construction so it is by no means pampered. Ive had regular phones break earlier than this have held up now.
Lol sure is. Stop assuming everyone is americano.
Please tell me how my fish feel, wont you?
Shit take.
Disregarding projects or ideas due to unrelated issues is just stupid.
I sure do. Usually even 10% more. Everyone I know tend to get the same results… Only place i dont hit advertised speed is on mobile, but thats usually plenty enough even in the woods.
In my country, if you dont hit your plan besides when on mobile, something is wrong.
Right, so your first mentioned 100gbps will reach what then, 2gbps?
Not sure if youre trolling or just really daft at this point.
Because graphene is just android without makeup
This is such a bullshit take with some not so subtle apoligism and blame shifting.
If burning a book causes a lot of harm in any way besides burn damage, the burner is hardly to blame but something else is fundamentally wrong, and he tried to make that very obvious to everyone with his own life at risk.
Im not.
As long as we’re fine with killing the enemies weapon engineers we should expect the same to ours without complaints.
Weirdly enough Im kinda alright with weapon merchants or anyone similar involved in profiteering from war taking a personal toll in it themselves.
Didnt Ukraine assasinate some russian missile specialist a while back with the west applauding it after finding out? Dont play games you dont want to have a part in seems highly fitting here. There are plenty of other ways to make a decent living.
sURe iS InTEreStinG lmao piss off to back under your bridge wanker
I have a hunch Linus at LTT could float his own storage for whatever stuff he wants to host. The same way you and me have to pay for our own online storage.
Laughs in lighting cable
Wow. Chatgpt really is coming along.