For new subscribers to this community, I plan to write a bot which will automatically find and post deals (likely using the fantastic resource that is!)

So hopefully we’ll soon have awesome deals being posted here automatically :D

EDIT: The bot is live: /u/gamedealsbot!

At present, this is pulling data from
I plan to add support for more deal sources in the near future!
    1 year ago

    Wow, is that how Lemmy really works? Beehaw disables the downvote, but since I federated through it - I cannot downvote anywhere in the fediverse.

    I wonder if this means that people from outside of Beehaw can downvote threads posted in Beehaw (anyone is welcome to downvote my Beehaw responses - in the name of science, mind you :)

    I’m really going to have to think about hosting my own Lemmy server. It sounds like whoever’s site you register through has quiet a bit of control (especially outside of their respective site).

    You mentioned that you’re hosting your own Lemmy server. Have you had any issues accessing or being accessed by others in the fediverse?