• Vextrinity@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    You might be born yesterday if you think satire directly saying your own talking points is effective at proving those points. I feel like you just googled “pride sets back gay movement” and either went with the first link, or after finding out that there is seemingly no evidence or any form of actual research to back up your claim, you went with a satire website.

    If someone replies to someone saying “idk why people are disagreeing with you” and then provides a link to a website, that strongly suggests to me that they’re giving proof as to why the people who are disagreeing are wrong.

    • solarbabies@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Hahaha you’re doing the strawman fallacy, my friend.

      You’ve built up a straw man in your head so you can knock it down.

      Every one of your assumptions is incorrect.

      This is one of my favorite Onion articles of all time, and I refer to it frequently when I’m on this topic.

      How bout you take a break from judging and hating on internet strangers for no reason?

      • Vextrinity@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Nothing I said is using a different argument to the one we started with, we’ve only been talking about using a satire website to prove a point, I’m not seeing where this strawman is.

        Judging sure, hating not so much, but even if I was, maybe you should take your own advice and stop judging and hating on not only pretty much everyone you’ve replied to here, but basically everyone who goes to and supports pride.

        Anyway, this isn’t going to go anywhere, assuming what you’ve said about your life in other posts is true then I’m sorry you’ve had to experience that and even though I disagree, I can see why you’d form the opinion you have, I hope things are either better or will get better for you soon.

        • solarbabies@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          Ok, since you were nice to me in the last part, I’m going to try and be patient with you.

          Let me try and summarize how this conversation went so far:

          • me: I dislike how pride parades are now
          • anon: I agree
          • me: idk why you’re getting downvoted [insert obviously satirical article here, by THE most popular satirical news site in the US]
          • you: ha! did you even read this so called proof? you certainly didn’t check the authenticity of the website.
          • me: I never said it was proof. you think I was born yesterday?
          • you: yeah sounds like you were b/c I’m pretty sure you literally searched this up just now.
          • me: except I didn’t, I’ve known about it for years. stop being judgmental and hateful.
          • you: okay, but you need to stop being judgmental and hateful too!

          Now it’s my chance to reply. And I could say: show me one place in this entire thread where I’ve been judgmental or hateful of anyone here.

          Have I been patronizing/condescending in some of my replies? Regrettably, yes, out of frustration at not getting my point across. But I never judged and I never hated on any of these passionate queers who are downvoting me to oblivion.

          I’m trying to help you see that you were judging based on unwarranted assumptions, and now reacting defensively when I called you out for it.

          So thank you for admitting you were judging. But please don’t accuse me of doing things I didn’t do.

          Edit: And I was wrong about the Strawman in your case, I apologize. I’ve seen so many comments use it in this thread it all started to blur after a while. Your logical fallacies were Ad Hominem and False Comparison.

          • Vextrinity@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            I appreciate you taking the time to explain it and apologising for being wrong, I’ll also apologise for making assumptions that were wrong and for being unpleasant towards you.

            I’ll explain my position, I made the assumption because whenever someone posts an onion article to back up their point/give proof of something (I still feel like that’s how your message came off, but since you’re being reasonable now I don’t really have any reason to doubt your claim) it’s in full seriousness and not realising it’s a satire site, and due to how you were replying to everyone else I didn’t really see the need to be pleasant about it as you weren’t exactly being pleasant to everyone else. Unfortunately on the internet, I’ve found when someone is acting like you were they’re generally unpleasant people who are just trying to stir things up and/or troll, but I figured if what you revealed in some other replies were true (it’s not exactly uncommon for trolls to lie) I could understand your position. I didn’t come here to argue your point, just to poke fun at you for linking an onion article, hence why I was dropping it after a few messages.

            I didn’t feel like I was being defensive, I felt like your message was somewhat hypocritical as I felt like I wasn’t treating you much differently than you were treating everyone else, but I might be wrong about that, I’m not the best at reading these things from messages especially to/from strangers.

            Like I said before, I disagree with your point about pride, but I didn’t come here to argue that and I don’t feel like we’re likely to change each others mind, but I’m up for a bit of a friendly/cordial discussion about it if you want, but I’ll probably only reply once or twice a day, just saying that as to set an expectation as I’m not on here often and obviously totally fine if you don’t want to.

            Sorry for the huge message and likely terrible grammar, I’m glad we could be more reasonable towards each other, I feel like that’s rare on the internet these days.

            • solarbabies@lemmy.world
              7 months ago

              That’s kind of you to offer. Could you please let me know what you think of this?

              Thank you for being willing to discuss it!

              Edit: I previously wrote a longer part of this asking if you had advice for how to better approach this topic with the community but I already know the answer. I need to be more patient with folks and respond to their talking points directly instead of getting frustrated with them that they’re not understanding mine, even if they seem really off topic…

              It’s actually surprising how much easier it is to talk to some conservatives than some leftists. Conservatives will just tell you what they think, and leftists will go on a thousand tangents before getting to the point 😅 I guess I’m learning here what it’s like talking to me, because I see everyone else making the same mistakes. Defaulting to extremes and accusing me of things I never said, without giving me the benefit of the doubt. Then again, that’s sort of how people on the Internet are in general… wdyt?