• zifnab25 [he/him, any]@hexbear.net
    7 months ago

    This isn’t 1991 USSR. He’s not stripping copper out the US and selling it to foreigner investors.

    glances at US Steel being sold to Japan

    Maybe not literally. Not yet, anyway. But we’re getting real close.

    Trump being loud and threatening NATO allies doesn’t do anything to change reality.

    It does. It kills initiatives under prior administrations. It alienates the people who have to physically pull the “Yes” lever in other countries. And, frankly, the endless “Trump is Putin’s best friend! Trump is on Russia’s side! Trump ❤️ Putin kissing in a tree!” agitprop is going to have some kind of effect on how people take Trump’s picks for ambassadors and Sec State head when it comes time to do international diplomacy. That, plus his habit of fucking around with state secrets, means you can’t be Olaf Sholtz in Germany and glad-hand the guy who everyone in your country thinks is a hand-puppet for the FSB.

    The US is having trouble diplomatically because of the inherent racist and profit-driven nature of its ideology

    That’s not a problem with France or the UK or Germany or Japan. Not normally. But you have to tack on all the “Fifth Column!” hysteria that’s been building around this campaign. How do you integrate with the Five Eyes network when your main go-betweens with the CIA and NSA are a bunch of Groypers?