• krashmo@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    That’s the kind of vague, self righteous platitude people give when they don’t have an actual response. Assuming you’re not some antivax dipshit I guarantee you’ve said something exactly like the final sentence of my last post in the previous four years. Yet here you are saying it’s fine for people to not get vaccinated as long as they have someone else to blame that choice on. Sure, you’re not framing it exactly that way but of course you wouldn’t, that would be stupid and you’re not stupid, right? You’re just making an emotional appeal and hoping it’s convincing enough to make people forget that there aren’t supposed to be exceptions to the vaccine mandate for people with sufficiently annoying relatives.

    If all it takes for you to abandon your convictions is someone agreeing with you in a way that you don’t completely approve of then you don’t have a sincerely held belief, you have a socially conditioned emotional response. But I already know you don’t care about being logically consistent enough to actually think about what I’m saying. You got the bad feeling from what I said. I wasn’t being perfectly inclusive. I didn’t check the right mental boxes to get past the NiceGuy™ filter in your head. You can think of one extreme example that maybe doesn’t quite allow for an absolute statement to be made on vaccination therefore I must be wrong, even though saying so would require contradicting yourself.

    Let’s shut it down there and get out of here, this guy is just an asshole, right? Right…