The creators include Clara Sorrenti, known online as Keffals; Steven Bonnell, known online as Destiny; and Ian Kochinski, known online as Vaush. The agenda says they will discuss issues such as climate change, affordable housing and student debt relief.
Nightmare fuel blunt rotation
Also idk what comm to post
Lol. Lmao. Why these people? Vaush gets like 90k YouTube views per upload. Keffals has 50k YT subs. Destiny’s annoying.
Getting into politics at this point is just a way to meet with your favorite celebrities. These are the favorite celebrities of the types of people who become DNC staffers.
“Aoc did it. What c tier streamers can we find?”
The GOP could easily blow them out of the water with some front page nazi personalities.
They actually would if they got Crowder, Matt Walsh, and whatever other transphobe is trending on Youtube shorts.