one day we were hanging out, when somehow the topic of the Roma people came up and he referred to them by the derogatory term that starts with a G. I figured he was just ignorant of it, so I told him that it’s really not cool to say that and that he went on a whole rant about how romani were “bums” and that “all they did was steal” and that “you would agree with me if i met one.” He gave a few anecdotes about how he saw a romani person in line at a grocery store and said they stank, giving this as justification that they are all “bums.” When I kept calling him out on saying the G slur he told me to grow a pair, because “people are gonna say stuff you don’t like.” I was really confused and shocked as he had shown me nothing of this and I was pretty sad. I feel so angry that this kind of discrimination is so god damned common among americans. I cant wait to get out of this hellhole

    7 months ago

    Pretty sure I know which special this is without even looking, and I generally liked seagull man for a few, if often, crude jokes, but that kinda put me off entirely…