one day we were hanging out, when somehow the topic of the Roma people came up and he referred to them by the derogatory term that starts with a G. I figured he was just ignorant of it, so I told him that it’s really not cool to say that and that he went on a whole rant about how romani were “bums” and that “all they did was steal” and that “you would agree with me if i met one.” He gave a few anecdotes about how he saw a romani person in line at a grocery store and said they stank, giving this as justification that they are all “bums.” When I kept calling him out on saying the G slur he told me to grow a pair, because “people are gonna say stuff you don’t like.” I was really confused and shocked as he had shown me nothing of this and I was pretty sad. I feel so angry that this kind of discrimination is so god damned common among americans. I cant wait to get out of this hellhole

    7 months ago

    Sorry dude that fuckin sucks. I don’t know whether it’s just because I’m older or better at sussing stuff out but it’s really hard to meet new people that aren’t fucking racist. Hell half the friends I had from my 20s developed racist and/or transphobic beliefs.

      7 months ago

      This happened to me too. Met up with a friend from college days (20+ years) for lunch the other day. We were really close while studying, spent holidays together, etc. Then life happened and while messaging each other from time to time, we had not had the chance to meet up again. Midway through our meal, he started telling me he was suspended that same week from his job (teacher at a preppy college) for calling a student by their dead name on multiple ocassions. I told him that yeah, that is rude, cruel and uncalled for and he should get a lawyer because what he did is fucked up… he then started rambling about forced inclusion and men’s rights and chromosomes blah blah.

      It broke my heart in a way because we were such good friends but now he is just too far gone for me to be able to have a relationship with him.