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“Will you vote for Biden in the 2024 election?” [Y/N]

    8 months ago

    Allowing Trump to win guarantees that the genocide continues and even grows.

    Allowing Biden to win guarantees that the genocide continues and even grows.

    Biden, at least, is reasonable and not bloodthirsty.

    “Reasonable and not bloodthirsty”: expediting military aid to help the slaughter of children.

    Work with the system so that you can change it.

    Nothing I am doing is outside the system, and voting for Biden won’t help change the system.

    I hope you gain the knowledge to see the bigger picture before November… Because the alternative is to burn us all down for your own hubris and lack of awareness.

    Hubris is thinking that because other people disagree with you they must be ignorant and lack awareness. Hubris is thinking that if other people act differently from you, we will all burn down.