cross-posted from: (Thank you !)

I first used Linux about 5 years ago (Ubuntu). Since then, I have tried quite a few distros:

Kali Linux (Use as a secondary)

Linux Mint (Used for a while)

Arch Linux (Could not install)

Tails (Use this often)

Qubes OS (Tried it twice, not ready yet)

Fedora (Current main)

For me, it has been incredibly difficult to find a properly privacy oriented Linux distro that also has ease of use. I really enjoy the GNOME desktop environment, and I am most familiar with Debian. My issue with Fedora is the lack of proper sandboxing, and it seems as though Qubes is the only one that really takes care in sandboxing apps.

Apologies if this is the wrong community for this question, I would be happy to move this post somewhere else. I’ve been anonymously viewing this community after the Rexodus, but this is my first time actually creating a post. Thank you!


Thank you all so much for your feedback! The top recommended distro by far was SecureBlue, an atomic distro, so I will be trying that one. If that doesn’t work, I may try other atomic distros such as Fedora Atomic or Fedora Silverblue (I may have made an error in my understanding of those two, please correct my if I did!). EndeavourOS was also highly recommended, so if I’m not a fan of atomic distros I will be using that. To, your suggestion for Linux Mint Debian Edition with GNOME sounds like a dream, so I may use it as a secondary for my laptop. Thank you all again for your help and support, and I hope this helps someone else too!

    4 months ago

    You could look into Atomic distros if you value sandboxing, such as Fedora Atomic or Vanilla OS. I don’t know much about the debian space as Arch was my first distro so I kinda ran before I crawled.

        4 months ago

        Pretty much that to be honest, so all of your apps are flatpaks. The base system is also kinda sandboxed, it’s access is prohibited and instead you employ “layering”.

        I use Fedora Atomic on my desktop and laptop so I’ll explain that one here. Atomic distros function off of Atomic transactions, which are a process form that can only successfully complete. If an Atomic transaction did fail, the entire transaction would be undone and reverted. This practically makes Atomic distros unbreakable. If an update fails, what update? Who said there was an update? No trace.

        Obviously you can change the base system, as flatpak isn’t suitable for all apps. This is where that layering comes in I mentioned earlier. I use XFCE-Terminal, obviously not a great candidate for a flatpak. So to install a package normally (as if through DNF) you need to use a packge manager that deals in Atomic. Fedora Atomic ships with their tool called rpm-ostree. I don’t know quite how it works but I’m pretty sure it creates a branch of the current system (like Git) and installs the package there, then upon next boot you’ll use the new branch and the old one discarded. Doing this means that if the package failed to install, your system is unchanged.

        Atomic distros are super cool and I can’t imagine not using one. They do so much that should’ve been done a loooong time ago. I highly recommend them. I have an unpublished blog post about my experience using Fedora Atomic that I’m more than happy to post here if you’d like.

        4 months ago

        No not sandboxing. They use something like Git or OS images for the OS updates. You could install only native packages and have a regular fedora setup but with full transparency. The normal workflow is “keep your system clean, install flafpaks for GUI stuff and do random software dev, build environments, compiling etc in a Toolbox/Distrobox using a Podman container underneath”.

        Its very easy to use and such a blessing. You NEVER need to reinstall a distro again

    4 months ago

    I was going to bring up Kinoite, but others already brought up Fedoras atomic flavours in general. And since you like Gnome, you’ll want Silverblue, not Kinoite.

    I would add that Endeavour makes setting arch up much, much easier, and it became my personal main after I ditched Manjaro.

    4 months ago

    Qubes and opensuse are great for any VM needs. Not sure what the issue with privacy is exactly you can pretty much reconfigure any distro to be oriented the way you want it.

    4 months ago

    Since you have already used some distros, and aren’t the “normal” case, I can’t send you a link to my “Distros for noobs”-post I normally send to those questions.

    I think you would benefit from image based distros, especially Fedora Atomic. Here’s a link to my post explaining immutable distros:

    What comes to my mind in your case is Secureblue.
    It’s a Fedora Atomic spin that’s focused on security and privacy, which has many hardening-tweaks applied, e.g. better sandboxing, memory allocator and an hardened kernel. It also offers Gnome as DE and still allows you to enjoy most freedoms other distros have.

    Definitely check that out!

    4 months ago

    Be aware that secureblue is very secure!

    Some kernel arguments may break boot (already have in the past) because of weird firmware and fedora not testing their kernel with those kargs.

    Strange things may happen with Electron apps (for me its fine) and you might miss Firefox lol.

    4 months ago

    @Charger8232 TROMjaro is a trade-free Linux distro. Meaning you do not have to trade your data, attention, or currency in order to use it and its apps. meaning, no ads, no bs free trials, no data collection and all of that crap. We also have over 700 curated trade-free apps at that you can install directly from the website.

    We have a trade-free VPN, and a content blocker in order to stop the ads and tracking system wide.

    On top of this TROMjaro is super easy to use and easy to customize. Please see the homepage

    • Charger8232@lemmy.mlOP
      4 months ago

      I’ve looked into Whonix in the past, as Qubes OS is one of the host operating systems for it. I plan to try Whonix when they release their own independent ISO that is under works right now. Thank you for your suggestion!

    4 months ago

    For me, it has been incredibly difficult to find a properly privacy oriented Linux distro that also has ease of use.

    First of all, most distros already offer adequate privacy. It’ll always beat Windows or MacOS—that’s for sure.

    Second, ease of use and privacy don’t go hand in hand. The more privacy you want the harder it gets to use. The reason I emphasised privacy is because it’s more anonymity at that point.

    What is it you want? If it’s privacy you’re after you can’t go wrong with most distros and using FOSS. If it’s anonimity be prepared to make a ton of sacrifices. Have fun putting your laptop in a Faraday bag, routing all your traffic through Tor, visiting eepsites, disconnecting your webcam and microphone, only wiring money with Monero, and so forth.

    My point is, there is no best of both worlds.