• Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Ok fair enough.

    My only last point would be that what if the socioeconomic changes we want could be resolved because of the technical/automation advancements? What if it’s the only way to get the change we want? I’d see great hardship as a transition most probably.

    I’m obviously just speculating here. I’m very very cynical about solving the socioeconomic issues first, I just don’t see it happening, enstead we just stay business as usual. At least with a huge shift in automation causing massive job loss there is the potential for a big revolutionary change. No guarantee obviously, it could also only make things worse. We really don’t know.

    • Sanctus@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      I see the mass displacement of the working class as the only thing that would unite us. Bring in the robots. The only thing you have to lose is your chains.

    • NaibofTabr
      7 months ago

      I’d see great hardship as a transition most probably […] massive job loss […] big revolutionary change

      What do you think a situation like this would look like, in practice? I’m curious because I see people suggest that some kind of revolution would be a good thing… but what you’re talking about is a lot of suffering and death leading up to the revolution, followed by violence and more death during, followed by more hardship and death trying to pick up the pieces after… do you expect to not be part of the suffering and death? do you expect it to happen after your life? what about family?

      Frankly I think this kind of fatalism is a lazy cop-out. Saying “things are bad and getting worse, and there’s nothing I can do about it, so let’s just wait for it to all fall apart” excuses you from making an effort to improve things now. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and collectively we make our own hell through inaction and the belief that collapse is inevitable.

      We can demand more from our governments. By organizing, we can overwhelm the intentions of the wealthy. We can do better now.