What is your one life-changing productivity tip that kicked your efficiency into high gear? It could be anything – a mindset shift, a nifty tool, or even a morning ritual!

My tip: Consistency. Whatever you do repeatedly every day is the thing that brings the most impact in the long term to your life.

Now it’s your turn! Drop your pearls of wisdom below, and let’s make this thread a treasure trove of productivity nuggets. 💡

  • Glunkbor@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    For me it was a very simple rule: If a task takes less than 5 minutes to do, no matter at work or in the household, do it right away. Thinking about when to do it, remembering to do it and having it linger over your head while you’re procrastinating takes so much more time than just do the small tasks right away. It’s a real boost for efficiency and being productive. See those small things as tiny stones on your way to the goal and you quickly kick them out of the way instead of standing in front of them and thinking about when to kick them.