Or, alternatively, what did you do to another person which got you blacklisted from their life?

  • Jaarsh119@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Long time friend turned out to be a sexist pos that was groping my female friends, but would only act this way when I had my back turned. I’m very glad my friends trust me enough to actually tell me what was happening. Am perfectly fine cutting that behaviour out of my life and my social circle.

    • Today@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      This is so so so common. I guess we don’t call people out for it more because we don’t want to rock the boat with friend groups? Ass pats, leg squeezes, hugs that last a few seconds too long, …

    • ikka@lemmy.sdf.org
      11 months ago

      Am perfectly fine cutting that behaviour out of my life and my social circle.

      This sentence feels so performative and cringey, and yet it still must be said aloud because even my ex-friend to this day defends a similarly shitty guy with a well-documented pattern of abuse.

    • ikka@lemmy.sdf.org
      11 months ago

      Am perfectly fine cutting that behaviour out of my life and my social circle.

      This sentence feels so performative and cringey, and yet it still must be said aloud because even my ex-friend still defends a similarly shitty guy with a well-documented pattern of abuse.

  • CorruptBuddha@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    11 months ago

    My dad broke up with his girlfriend, and was telling me this plan about fucking with her disability benefits, because she had gone for plastic surgery or some shit. He found this out from stalking her call logs.

    I remember just pacing back and forward in my apartment trying to reason with him on the phone. “Dad, you can’t do this kind of stuff…”

    I talked him down, told him I loved him, and will always love him.

    I don’t know if it was the next day, but the next time we spoke on the phone he went right back into the same mindset. I couldn’t handle it. Sometime after the call I sent a pretty harsh message that I didn’t want to be involved with him. Haven’t spoken to him since.

  • MüThyme@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    A girl I had been seeing for years, and thought I loved more than anything. After a lot of really intense drama that I honestly didn’t think I’d survive, and the following analysis with a psychologist, I realised she’d been emotional manipulating me for a very long time.

    When I finally cut her out, things just became so much better. I’ve learnt what a truely kind and loving person can be like, and what it’s like to not walk on eggshells or have constant anxiety. So many seemingly innocent comments that in hindsight were insanely toxic controlling statements. It’s been incredible to feel free.

    • hazeebabee@slrpnk.net
      11 months ago

      Im glad you recognized the manipulation & got her out of your life. Emotional manipulation can be so hard to spot.

      • MüThyme@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        It’s honestly one of those things I’ll never stop doubting, there’s a strong voice somewhere in my head telling me I’m wrong and being selfish.

        Thankfully I’ve had enough therapy to know better, but that kind of manipulation really does have a good way of convincing you it’s not there.

    • Rob T Firefly@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      You’re not alone in having this sort of story.

      Speaking as someone else who survived an emotionally abusive relationship years ago (with gaslighting so successful that I had to start secretly recording our conversations on my phone to make sure they really happened the way I remembered and not the different story she would tell me later), successfully cut my ex out of my life and worked on myself, and am now happily in a truly wonderful and healthy marriage to an amazing person, congratulations on getting out.

        • Rob T Firefly@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          It’s an ongoing process. Therapy helps, as does a truly understanding partner.

          When I started dating again, my past crappy experience ended up contributing to my now-wife and I hitting it off so well:

          • We both happened to have been through Some Shit before as these things go.
          • We shared understanding and sympathy about what it’s like to be manipulated and treated poorly by toxic people.
          • We were both confident about what we were and were not interested in, and were comfortable asserting ourselves about our own needs as well as listening and accommodating one another’s.
          • We were also both living independently and staying afloat on our own, so if our dating didn’t work out ending the relationship wouldn’t have cost either of us our home/job/etc. (In my abusive situation this had not been the case.)
  • linuxduck@nerdly.dev
    11 months ago

    Family started to make fun of my pronouns. I’m just tired of people choosing to be cruel for cruel sake. So I deleted Facebook, essentially cutting them out.

    My mom refused to use pronouns and I’d given her 6 years to learn and grow, cut her out.

    In the past, a coworker on purpose set up a birthday for one of my best friends and didn’t invite me. They made up super weird reasons why I wasn’t invited. I realized he was manipulative… I cut him out…

    Another co-worker was a friend but then one day he wanted to start touching me. I don’t like being touched. I kept asking him to stop, he did it more. Til one day he pushed me into a cold case (we worked at a grocery store). I cut him out.

    Regardless of who I cut out though, there is ALWAYS room to come back if they change and grow up.

    I’m still hoping my mom will before she passes… : /

        • Maharashtra@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          I assure it isn’t.

          Family shouldn’t be treated like random strangers you meet online and have some minor disagreement with.

          And if you think otherwise, you deserve the same answer.

          • dfc09@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            We don’t know the full story. I’d generally agree with you that family is more important than random strangers, and we should make more effort with family that we would with strangers. But that only goes so far, and the family members need to be making similar efforts, it can’t all be the children’s responsibility to retain good will while the parent routinely damages the relationship.

            The OP already said they’d given their mom 6 years, that’s clearly the “family” effect, they have their mother many many more chances than they would a stranger.

            I don’t know what your relationship looks like with your parents, hopefully it’s lovely, but once you’re an adult the power dynamic needs to change dramatically. My parents no longer control me and can’t tell me how to live my life. They can provide advice, which I generally cherish because they’re more experienced in life than me, but if they try to strongarm me into their choice like they did when I was their legal charge, I tell them “NO”

            • Maharashtra@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              We don’t know the full story. (…)

              I agree, and if it was explained in detail that the family is in the wrong here, I’d probably agree on the separation being the reasonable choice.

              But it wasn’t. It was presented in a childish, scornful “in yaaaaah faaaace” way, supported by exaggerated generalization along the lines of “all x who y should go f* themselves”. This is wrong. This is wrong on so many levels, that it’s actually painful to see how one could fall so low and act like it’s ok.

              I don’t know what your relationship looks like with your parents, hopefully it’s lovely, but once you’re an adult the power dynamic needs to change dramatically. (…)

              I recall Stalin’s Iron Wall. And am a father myself.

            • Maharashtra@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              Thank you, Gregory House. Your professional diagnosis is appreciated and will be taken into account.

              Any specific shrooms you’re suggesting, since they work so well for you?

          • Moonguide@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            OP didn’t cut off her mum because of her identity, they did so because their mum didn’t respect them or their wishes. Have a good day, dude, you’re a lost cause.

            • Maharashtra@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              The dude cut off his closest family, because they didn’t fullfill his wish and it’s correct.

              Do you even give some thought to what you’re writing?

              Have a good day, dude, you’re a lost cause.

              That’s precisely how the guy chose to act, yes.

  • kava@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I cut off a close friend of mine when I decided to get clean from heroin. I used to use drugs with him and he was my weed dealer. He never sold me heroin, but his friends did.

    I feel bad because he messaged me 5 or 6 years later saying he got clean too and said he was sorry for anything he did. He honestly didn’t do anything wrong, I just felt like I had to prioritize my sobriety.

    I still haven’t contacted him. He was my closest friend for years. I wonder how he’s doing.

    • themeatbridge@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      It’s never too late to reach out, until it is. I think he will understand, and even if he doesn’t, it’s worth a shot.

      • visak@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        I second this. It’s your life and you don’t have to, but it would not be too late to reach out. If you want you can explain that you had to cut ties to get clean. Chances are they had to do something similar and will understand. And you don’t have to jump back into a friendship. Just wishing them well might still be good for both of you.

  • Doll_Tow_Jet-ski@kbin.social
    11 months ago

    Good friend for 5 years or so. He turned into an alt-right fanatic and kept trying to make me upset by spouting “ideas” he knew not only I didn’t agree with, by would actually emotionally upset me (e.g. All street animals should be sacrificed without mercy, all immigrants should be returned to their original county, etc). He pulled this shit at my birthday also, ruinning the night not only for me but everyone present. That was the last time I saw him.

    Another friend of over 10 years. He met a guy with a very strong personality and started copying everything the other guy did. Started dressing like him, having the same ideas, etc. I didn’t play along, so everything about my suddenly became the object of criticism as well. Never talked to him again.

    • jerkface@lemmy.ca
      11 months ago

      Don’t spend too much time worrying about a few street animals, or there won’t be enough time to worry about the billions of farmed animals.

      • Doll_Tow_Jet-ski@kbin.social
        11 months ago

        It’s not an either-or. It’s both. He also made fun of my veganism and made a point of enjoying eating dead, tortured animals, while making fun of me for caring.

        • jerkface@lemmy.ca
          11 months ago

          Sorry, I was just being rhetorical. You encounter people accidentally expressing vegan values much more often than actual vegans.

        • jerkface@lemmy.ca
          11 months ago

          It’s not either-or, it’s just a matter of triage and magnitude.

          • Doll_Tow_Jet-ski@kbin.social
            11 months ago

            So what’s your point then?I shouldn’t worry about abandoned animals living in the street because that is taking away resources I could be directing into animals that suffer in farms/farming industry? All animals that suffer should be object of concern for anyone interested in animal well-being.

  • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    there’s been a few. my (very much evil) step-grandmother was visiting my home with the rest of the family for a weekend barbeque. there were two things that happened that day. First, fairly early on, a new neighbor had brought back this ceramic baking dish I had brought them cookies and lemon bars over in. It was nice of them (they come back about half the time. they’re nice-ish, but not expensive baking dishes. our entire neighborhood bombards the new families with things. We even have it scheduled out for a couple months so they don’t get tossed.)

    in any case, the mother was bringing it back and happened to be muslim. My Step-grandmother yelled- intentionally loud enough to be heard by my new neighbor, “YOU’RE NOT GOING TO INVITE THAT DIRTY TOWEL HEAD IN, ARE YOU?” the neighbor bolted before I could apologize, (i’ve subsequently repaired that damage.) Then my grandfather bitched me out when I told her that it was my house, and I would invite any one in I wanted to invite, and if she has a problem, she can leave.

    then, I came back inside to her call my partner a Slut. Because she was a single mother. my partner heard. And my daughter. I WENT BALLISTIC. we were pretty close to going no-contact already. but that alone was enough.

    of course, the rest of the family thought I was the bad guy for a couple years- and I more or less put them all on no-contact because they kept trying to sneak them over for holidays. after being told explicitly not to do that and if they had an issue, they can host it and we won’t come if they’re there. so they had a big “intervention” over it and things got heated. “You shouldn’t talk to people like that. What you said hurt” was the general gist of it. and that I should forgive the evil step grandma.

    Ultimately, they decided to maybe leave it alone, because, why the hell are you talking to me. the conditions we set for them coming back have yet to be met. (Basically an apology. to me. and to my partner.) and I may have shamed my dad and brother because Evil Step Grandma shifted her vitriol to them. she was a truly vile person.

  • Azzu@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Me and my best friend of 10 years still talked regularly, but kept spending less time together. We talked about relationships a lot and basically both agreed that marriage is not really necessary for a successful relationship and that marrying is too easy to be dangerous in the sense that if it doesn’t work out, you’re likely going to be paying for the other person’s lifestyle for no reason whatsoever.

    Apparently we didn’t though, because at one point he came out with that he has been seeing a girl the last few weeks and is going to marry her in a few weeks. I and the rest of his friends were like “um, we’re happy for you, but are you sure you know who this person is and that you literally want to spend the rest of your life with her? It’s only been a few weeks since you met her”.

    He didn’t answer and blocked us all and completely disappeared. Last I heard they did have the wedding a few weeks later, dunno what happened after that. It was his first girlfriend ever, btw.

    • squiblet@kbin.social
      11 months ago

      I agree. Marriage is pretty pointless - if you want to be with someone, go ahead. People shouldn’t need legal or religious contracts to do that. This has been an unpopular opinion with people I’ve been relationships with, but “let’s get married for tax benefits” isn’t very romantic.

  • JackbyDev@programming.dev
    11 months ago

    This guy told me wife he was suicidal and my wife said to call her if he ever felt like that. So he started calling her all the time over the most petty non emergencies. Also he would tell her how he thought they were soul mates. Bear in mind, this isn’t one of those “my now wife” stories, we were married. Not that it makes okay otherwise. The two of us were at his place for his birthday and I had gotten too drunk. I go to the bathroom thinking I’m going to throw up. Turns out he tried to make out with her while I was gone. That was basically the last straw. We didn’t immediately cut him out after that but that was when we seriously began considering it.

    It took so long because we were younger and more naive but also because he is super nice. He’s the only person I’ve dealt with that is so nice and polite but also so toxic. He was so pathetic. He would just use his sadness to try and get everyone to give him more attention.

    So we ghosted him. Just stopped asking for him to hang out and made excuses as to why we couldn’t. Then just stopped reaching out. I don’t feel bad about it either because he’s used the threat of suicide to keep people close and gain attention before.

      • JackbyDev@programming.dev
        11 months ago

        As much as I don’t like the guy, I genuinely don’t believe he’d do that. Basically the three of us ordered a pitcher of margaritas, maybe two, I don’t remember. There never would’ve been a moment he was alone with my drink that he wasn’t in front of my wife. It feels weird to defend someone I have a low opinion of, but no, I really don’t believe he did or would have.

        • treefrog@lemm.ee
          11 months ago

          Yeah, I figured it likely there wasn’t an opportunity.

          The story made me curious if the guy created an opportunity was all.

  • AphoticDev@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    11 months ago

    She left us. And hey, if you don’t want to be in someone’s life, you have the right to just leave. And I’m not saying she should have stayed, if she wanted to go. All I’m saying is, maybe your kids deserve at least a hug goodbye, mom. Or maybe even a note? Especially since we didn’t have a dad either?

  • malcyon@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    A good friend of mine called me and wanted me to explain to him how to format a hard drive. I tried explaining, but he wasn’t getting it. I asked questions. Do you have a Windows cd to reinstall from? No. Do you know it costs hundreds of dollars? No. Is it broken? No, not exactly. Why do you want to reformat it? I just do. Then, it switched to, could I do this for him?

    After enough back and forth questions, he grudgingly revealed that he had stolen the laptop from the local university. He had a job as a janitor there. Apparently, there was a group of the janitors that did this regularly, and my friend felt he had stumbled across a good thing.

    I was so incredibly angry. Angry at the level that I didn’t know how to deal with the feeling. He wasn’t going to tell me any of this. He only revealed it because I pushed him on it. He tried to trick me into helping him commit crime. He’s stealing laptops from a university, a place that objectively makes the world better.

    I stopped returning his calls and talking to him. That was 24 years ago. We had been friends for 10 years. I don’t know why I did that. I often wonder if there’s something wrong with me, something that makes it easy for me to cut people out of my life and not feel regret. I wish that I had at least said why I was angry. I didn’t say anything. I just stopped talking to him. I should have just turned him in. But at the time, it was hard to do that to a friend.

    • phillaholic@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      Cutting ties seems appropriate in that situation. Turning him in for something like that puts a big burden on you. Maybe he comes after you for doing it? Maybe others get taken down with him and now they’re mad at you? It’s not your burden to stop imo, at least at that level.

  • SoleInvictus@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    This is a long one. My shitty first roommate and now former friend. It was originally supposed to be three of us living together, with my then best friend, but she convinced me that best friend was too financially irresponsible. In retrospect, she just wanted the validation of me choosing her.

    Unbeknownst to me, she was extremely emotionally unstable and became dependent on me to keep her level. Lots of crying and big fights over nothing significant. I put my foot down after a couple of months and told her I was moving out if she didn’t get her shit together. The next day, she faked a suicide attempt with aspirin and vitamin C pills. I came home to a trail of them from the front door back to her bedroom. Not knowing at the time what she had taken, I called 911 and she was taken to the hospital. The hospital offered to set her up with psychiatric care but she declined.

    I insisted she needed to get help but she refused, so I started discretely looking for a new place to live. Word got back to her I was doing so, so cue fake suicide attempt number two. I came home to a similar trail of pills, just to find her bedroom empty this time. Turns out she slammed a bottle of NyQuil and threw down a bunch of vitamin C. She became incredibly ill and called an ambulance before I got there.

    I met her in the hospital while she was getting her stomach pumped. She was pretty messed up from the NyQuil and told me she tried to kill herself because I wasn’t supportive enough. The literal quote was “I wouldn’t have tried to do this if you were a better friend.” When the doctor came around and offered to set her up with the local psychiatric hospital, I convinced her to accept. The NyQuil probably helped ease that through.

    I moved out a few days later, while she was still institutionalized. I visited her in the hospital and gave her the news there, where she was being watched and presumably medicated. She lost her shit. After being released, she went on the war path, telling mutual friends I abandoned her after emotionally abusing her. We haven’t talked since.

  • circuitfarmer@lemmy.sdf.org
    11 months ago

    Sexually assaulted someone very close to me.

    Then also later finding out it had also happened to other people. Disgusting, despicable person who is a drain on society, and I’m extremely happy they are out of my life and, much more importantly, the lives of those more directly harmed.

  • Crashumbc@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    After becoming a gun nut, They told me it was “ok” to keep a load glock under their pillow (they were paranoid as fuck) because their 5 year old son wasn’t strong enough to cycle the slide to chamber a bullet…

    • phillaholic@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      The funny thing about kids is they keep growing and parents never know where the time goes.

  • Anomander@kbin.social
    11 months ago

    Whole lot of people here have cut off other people, but no one’s yet shared a story about what got them cut off. This one’s mine.

    I was unceremoniously removed from The List by a group of folks I was close with for years, after clashing with a couple of new additions to the group for a few months. We collectively ran a bit of a sketchy party scene and had been hosting stuff out of the weird end of town for a year or two when it all blew up - we weren’t quite on the scale of underground warehouse raves, but we were like the training-wheels version. We’d get a lead on a place that was slated to be vacant for a month or a commercial building gone dark, arrange a couple bands and an escape plan, and pull a couple hundred bucks each in entry charge and dodgy beer.

    They were great friends in addition to being sort-of in business together, and we had some absolutely great times.

    Except one couple who’d been with us from the start and were OG team members met a new crowd of people. They wanted to bring their friends, we said sure, and … shit started going downhill. The couple weren’t bad. Their friends weren’t bad. Their friends’ friends were awful. I didn’t like the new crowd’s vibe, I didn’t like who they were bringing in, what they were up to, and I didn’t get along with the initial connections in the slightest. I thought they were assholes, they thought I was an asshole, and in hindsight we were both correct.

    As much as each new member of our little scene was more money at the end of an event, I didn’t want them there. I spent a lot of time and everyone’s patience arguing why I felt these specific new people needed to be shown a door and firmly told to be on the other side of it, and I definitely went out of my way to cut them out of anything I had control over. My friends were frustrated, I was frustrated, and everyone was on edge - I was convinced these people were going absolutely ruin what we’d built, my friends were frustrated I wouldn’t drop the grudge and didn’t see the problem I was focused on.

    In my defense, the new people were bringing in their crowd, and their crowd was bad news. It was like they were the scene where all the people other parties didn’t want wound up congregating. There was the sketchy “why are you here?” old dudes, there were the people who did too much of many drugs even for our standards, there was the massive collection of edgy at-risk middleschoolers, there were the aggro bros and the dealers with Connections … to me, inviting those people in the door was a massive heat score and absolutely ruining the vibe for the kind of people we wanted to attract. That said, in my friends’ defense - we had agreed we’d make decisions as a team, and I was outvoted but unwilling to let it go; and we didn’t have a problem with drugs or kids or even weird old dudes in general - half of us started in that community young and most absolutely dabbled in chemicals. We all were those kids a few years prior. My concerns read as hypocritical or gatekeep-y, rather than genuine, because I’d never been concerned about that shit prior.

    The last straw? I paid a guy I knew from the other side of town to drive his dad’s charger slowly past our venue a couple times, for several different events, so that people thought we might be about to get raided. Because the people I didn’t care for were pretty dodgy, they fucked off at the faintest hint of trouble.

    The other people in our crew found out, and I was excised from that group.

    In hindsight, we were both right. I was petty and sabotaged the group to get my way - and those new people did absolutely ruin shit for that scene within a couple years. I’ve connected individually with a few members of that group over the many years since, but am very formally persona non grata at shit they do as a group - I don’t think any of the people I still talk to even admit to the rest that they see me sometimes.

    I don’t want this to read like I was booted for taking some moral highground. I absolutely wasn’t. I took the low road and went behind my friends’ backs to undermine what we were doing, all because I wanted a specific group of people gone from our scene. As much as an adult’s perspective would make it easy to spin this as if I had moral objections to bringing hard drugs and hard druggies and middleschoolers into the same place for underground parties - I wasn’t concerned about those things, morally. Having middleschoolers get wasted at parties wasn’t a problem to me, or even having creepy dudes trying to pick them up, or people shooting hard shit in the living room … I just didn’t like how there was more of “them” than “us” and our events were slowly becoming that scene, instead of just having a little bit of it off in one corner.