Trump’s New York case will begin in March

A New York judge ruled Thursday that Donald Trump will stand trial in March on charges related to the Stormy Daniels coverup. Assuming the case goes forward as scheduled, Trump will be the first former president ever to be criminally tried. It will also be the first criminal case to slot in place among the complicated judicial calendar Trump is facing in this election year, and it means Trump will almost certainly face a jury before Election Day. In three other jurisdictions—Georgia state court and federal courts in Florida, and Washington, D.C.—Trump has been indicted on charges related to the 2020 elections and his retention of classified documents, but the timetable for those cases remains unclear.

    8 months ago

    Some religious types are pointing-out a page on which identifies that Trump’s matching the anti-christ/biblical-abomination of the End Time rather well…

    However, until he is made illegal to be ruler of the US, there is one of those items ( from Daniel ) that hasn’t come-true yet.

    According to that page, iirc, Daniel states that ~ he is not even legal to be king ~ or something like that, and that hasn’t happened, so therefore there is still 1 mismatch between the Christian biblical prophecies-set & the evidence. ( the Jewish set doesn’t include any of the New Testament stuff, hence it is the Christian set which is more-completely predicting/accusing ).

    I’m only pointing this out.

    I didn’t believe until just-recently, that authority in the US would have the spine to make it illegal for him to be ruler, but now it looks like 1 or more of the … 91 criminal charges, is it … may stick, so now I’m having to accept that that ancient scientifically-testable-prediction-set may actually hit all its points, this year.

    Just observing, is all, not anything else.

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