• Optional
    244 months ago

    Donald Trump’s recent memory failures sure do look like some kind of cognitive decline. In the last few months, Trump has mixed up President Joe Biden with former President Barack Obama, slurred his words, bragged about his favorite type of violent death and that he calls corn “non-liquid gold,”

    Fuck. “I meant to confuse them” is his “excuse”.

    He’s a demented rapist fraud. This is all insanity.

  • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    194 months ago

    Yeah, just watched the clip. Nothing to see here folks.

    The guys a jerk and I’m not sure he’s ever really known who he was talking about. It very well could be the case that he is so narcissistic that he can barely can acknowledged other people exist, and in his mind are only templates or imagined figuring of a person.

    The reality is that he’s a school yard bully with no real plan who is just riffing and coming up with insults as he goes along. He really isn’t paying attention to details so it should be unsurprising when he isn’t aware of who he’s actually talking about. It shouldn’t be surprising that he makes these kinds of mistakes, because its pretty clear he’s not even really paying attention to what he’s saying.

  • @Dagwood222@lemm.ee
    124 months ago

    I started watching ‘Resident Alien’ show last night. That’s the argument that someone makes when they are befuddled by a child. “I was making a joke.”