Why am I negative in my reputation? I have not made any posts of comments that are negative (accept for maybe a small one or two but it would have been like 4 to 6 or something). Why am I -46 when I have a highly upvoted thread?

  • HandsHurtLoL@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Take a moment to really drink in that last sentence.

    Some dude named Ernest is just tooling around with a social media platform, trying things out, getting the hang of things, just posting into the nothingness for less than a month to test code. Meanwhile, the CEO of a social media conglomerate who doesn’t even know who you are opens the lid on Schrodinger’s “ideas box” (don’t know if it’s a good idea or bad idea until you look inside!) and out of nowhere, your little tiny corner of the internet goes from having like 50 people to 250k in a week.

    This is like the plot of Fifth Element kind of.