• TrickDacy@lemmy.world
    8 个月前

    Half the shit you said is flat out wrong, the rest is oversimplified thought-sloth. You’re 100% in the camp of thought avoidance if you can write this comment.

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      8 个月前

      Half the shit you said is flat out wrong

      Biden had a full Congress to work with when he took office in '21 and he rolled back virtually nothing advanced by Trump.

      Actually, strike that. He let a bunch of the COVID-era good stuff lapse. No more monthly allocated child tax credits. No more suspended student debt payments. No more free testing and expanded Medicaid.

      His immigration policy is worse. His foreign policy is worse. His fucking MONETARY POLICY IS WORSE. How do you pick the same Fed Chairman as Trump and get a worse monetary policy?!

      thought avoidance

      literally pointing at Biden’s actual policies while actually in actual office

      These suck. Avoid that at your own peril.

      • HandBreadedTools@lemmy.world
        8 个月前

        Biden had a full Congress to work with when he took office in '21 and he rolled back virtually nothing advanced by Trump.

        Yeah you have literally no idea what the fuck you’re talking about, like at all. That’s okay, not everyone needs to know everything about everything.

        Check out Biden’s first 100 days of executive orders.

        Immigration policy is worse

        Objectively false as long as the perspective you have isn’t that of a xenophobic bigot.

        His foreign policy is worse

        Explain. If you’re referring to the stuff in Afghanistan then you’re unfortunately misled as Trump ensured that would have to happen through actions he took at the end of 2020.

        “Literally pointing at Biden’s actual policies” by making shit up lmfao get the fuck outta here. Also, yeah, Dems had 2021-2023 to make stuff better. Unfortunately, yes, Sinema/Manchin have had disastrous effects in passing bills. Can you please point out a better bill from the current Congress or any Congress since Obama than the Inflation Reduction Act? Because I can’t.

        I hope that you’re simply ignorant, the only other explanation is blatant malice.

        • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
          8 个月前

          Objectively false as long as the perspective you have isn’t that of a xenophobic bigot.

          The Biden administration Tuesday announced its most restrictive border control measures to date, issuing plans for a temporary rule that will penalize asylum-seekers who cross the border illegally or fail to apply for protection in other nations they transit on their way to the United States.

          This, combined with the Texas state practice of police forcing migrants onto private property and then arresting them for trespassing has created an impossible situation for anyone seeking legal refugee status.

          If you’re referring to the stuff in Afghanistan then you’re unfortunately misled as Trump ensured that would have to happen through actions he took at the end of 2020.

          I’m referring to the ethnic cleansing in Gaza and the neighboring territories in Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon. I’m talking about our support for ethnic cleansing in Modi’s India and Zewde’s Ethiopia. I’m talking about our theft of $7B from the Afghani treasury on the departure of US troops, plunging the country into a famine. I’m talking about our continued military occupations in Haiti and Niger and Libya and Mali and Somalia. I’m talking about our tacit endorsement of the Polish blockade on Ukrainian harvest exports, because we’ve wedded ourselves to the US/EU agricultural deregulation efforts. And our support for Spainish, French, and German governments in the war on their own farmers who are in revolt over collapsing wholesale farm prices.

          I’m talking about our $250B weapons export market in 2023, the highest in US history, which has contributed to escalating tensions from the Korean Peninsula to the Red Sea to the South Pacific.

          Every year Biden has been in office has resulted in more war, more killing, more ethnic cleansing, in large part thanks to his international endorsement of some of the bloodiest wars since Vietnam.

          “Literally pointing at Biden’s actual policies” by making shit up lmfao get the fuck outta here.

          He has been a fucking disaster. In the midst of a labor shortage, he’s ratcheted up interest rates to depress wages. In the midst of record global temperatures, he’s overseen a new peak in US fossil fuel production and consumption. In the midst of record domestic energy consumption, his FTC and SEC have green-lit a new wave of bitcoin mining and energy hungry AI data harvesting.

          More money than ever before for the FBI, the NSA, and the Pentagon. Some of the lowest salaries for educators, medical staff, and agricultural workers in 40 years. Biden’s “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” has flooded the investment markets with cash while doing nothing to improve quality of life for lay workers or retirees.

          This is all real shit. Its why he’s fucked in the polls. America under Biden has gotten materially worse. You are not better of today than you were four years ago and that’s saying something given where we fucking started.

          I hope that you’re simply ignorant

          You’re cruising for the edge of a cliff screaming “Just stay the course”, and I’m sure you’ll be back here blaming the folks that called it once you crash land into November.