Hi I am currently struggling with deciding between Pis (all variants e.g. Orange Pi) and Nucs as I can’t find any for a reasonable price. Do you guys have any recommandation for me? German/European Stores maybe? I am looking for the best efficency to performance ratio for a low price. Basically just small computing units that I can cluster ideally in a 1U Rackmount.
Unless you need gpio pins, or an x86 architecture, get whatever is cheaper.
Things to keep in mind. Nuc’s tend to use special power adaptors, but have more raw horsepower. Pi’s can be driven via PoE. I have both and use both for different things.
Well I want to do HA cluster with proxmox. Technically that requires x86 but if I understood the github page correctly pimox should be compatible to create a hybrid cluster. Because of the HA I am going to run them 24/7 which is why I want to have them a low energy to computation ratio. Any recommandations for stores ? But yeah the
Is the question. I am not able to compare them as I am lacking a bit of knowledge about stores and retailers