• Fedizen@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    So many christians today are eager to live like old testament Israelites and wish only to put the sword men, women, and children in glorious sacrifice to their bloodthirsty vision of god.

    • OpenStars@startrek.website
      8 months ago

      Except all that pesky other stuff like “the worker deserves their wages”, and “treat the alien(/immigrant) and poor among you as one of your own”.

      No, I think they equally abuse both Testaments. Woman, submit to thy husband. Husband, submit to thy wife.

      • kromem@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        “treat the alien(/immigrant) and poor among you as one of your own”

        Yay, someone actually knows their Leviticus 19!

        A sentiment that’s one of the few things in the Old Testament that’s not anachronistic given the emerging picture of archeology.

        Joshua killing the Canaanites? Poppycock nonsense.

        Early Israelites were cohabitating with Philistines and Canaanites for much of the early Iron Age, and the animosity towards those neighbors in the text is a pile of revisionist BS.

        For a newly emerging pastoral community to survive, getting along with their neighbors and not being a dick to others was adaptive as shit.

        • OpenStars@startrek.website
          8 months ago

          I never understood where that objection to Bible history came from. I mean, there are plenty of “good” objections to the Bible as inerrant history that could be discussed - e.g. there’s several stories told twice but they differ, except the Bible says that it’s not supposed to differ - but that one (that Israelites derived originally from Canaanites rather than being immigrants to it) seems SO obvious to counter?

          The Bible story goes like: Abraham went there (to Canaan), then many years later his descendents went to Egypt (the story of Joseph, like that of Moses, is QUITE well-known), then their descents went back to Canaan, after getting bored with all that pyramid-building.

          The objection: bruh, why you say you never been there before?

          Response: wtf - I never said that I hadn’t?!

          A temporary leave-of-absence (for a few hundred years) and then return is NOT the same thing as “never been there before”.

          I’ve seen that Satan video - it looks really quite well-made in many ways, but the content… bruh, the content… it’s not so much good. I liken it to a ChatGPT response these days (except it long predated that), where it has the form of an authoritative response (like his snappy witticisms - THOSE I very much enjoyed:-P), without bothering to put in the work to make the content thus as well.

          Anyway, I hope you don’t feel that I am attacking you personally, it’s just that I am a fan of argumentation, on whatever side, and I really don’t understand why that one was even supposed to work.