• Gutotito
    1911 months ago

    If a zygote qualifies as a “body,” then anyone who has had a miscarriage is guilty of manslaughter.

    • Blakerboy777
      611 months ago



      To be clear, this wasn’t a zygote, which would be a fertilized cell. This was a fetus at week 23, which is later than most abortions are performed without fetal abnormalities. Less than 1% of abortions are performed that late. A fetus may be considered viable around that point as well (this would be on the extreme end though). Many pro-choice people base their justification around fetal viability and don’t necessarily feel great about abortions performed after that much development.

      I’m not trying to justify these charges, but let’s steer away front hyperbole. Prior to Dobbs, a state could have restricted access to abortion in this same way. Saying “zygote” implies this could happen to anyone who gets an abortion, which simply isn’t implied by this decision.

    • BadEngineering
      411 months ago

      While I agree with you in general, it’s important to note that in this particular case, the girl was 23 weeks pregnant. At that stage the fetus has an 80% survival chance outside of the womb. Even in civilized states that don’t try to ban abortion, the procedures are generally only done that late in a pregnancy if there is a serious medical risk to the mother or child.

      • AmidFuror
        811 months ago

        23 weeks is 17 weeks early. Definitely not 80% chance of viability, but I’m even surprised at the 25% given with a quick Google.

    • 52fighters
      111 months ago

      You’d have to prove some sort of neglect that is without a reasonable doubt responsible for the death of the person.

  • Nougat
    711 months ago

    Wait a second wait a second - if it’s a “person,” and they’re living in your house without your permission, can’t you have it removed from the premises for trespassing?

    • @TheButtonJustSpins
      911 months ago

      Are we about to start getting into squatter’s rights for fetuses? Because I hate that.

    • 52fighters
      311 months ago

      In most states you’d have to send the person certified mail and provide a 30 day notice. But if you brought them back into the house by yourself re-entering, then the clock starts over. You cannot forcibly evict anyone but you can ask a judge to execute an order to vacate that that would normally give you access to the sheriff who would enforce the order. Do note that it is still considered an abuse of force for a sheriff to execute someone who is not willing to vacate a rental property but that person may be arrested if non-cooperative.

      • Nougat
        411 months ago

        You’re talking about eviction, I’m talking about trespassing.

        Another tack might be sexual assault. Was consent given for this person to be inside your body?

    • Rayspekt
      211 months ago

      Dem darn fetuses keep trespassing into our American bellies, go get dem illegal immigrants!

  • @Kittybeer@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    I hope this teenager grows up to be an activist and somehow gets this bullshit overturned. I hate what this country has become.